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Discover the Wonders of Our Bodies: Top 6 Amazing Fun Facts About Tissues!

illustration of tissues
Prepare to have your nose tickled with these entertaining and surprising fun facts about the humble tissue that we take for granted!

1. Sheepricane: Pergamum's Parchment Spa

Run for cover, it's a sheepricane: the ancient city of Pergamum is credited with inventing parchment, a durable writing surface made from the split-skin of sheep, which went through a whole spa-like treatment - washing, cleaning, and scraping - before being stretched over a wooden frame to ensure its long-lasting nature.
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2. Sneezapalooza: The Droplet Dance-off

Hold onto your hankies, because this fact is nothing to sneeze at: A study suggests that sneezing may produce up to 40,000 droplets—with large droplets (>5 μm) plummeting to the ground like a nosy Niagara Falls, while smaller ones (≤5 μm) linger in the air as if they're auditioning for a spot in the latest viral dance-off.
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3. Triangular Bandages: Swiss Army Sling-ade

When life gives you triangular bandages, make sling-ade: Interestingly, these versatile bandages can be used for multiple first aid situations such as supporting an upper body injury with a sling, immobilizing a lower body injury, controlling severe bleeding with a narrow-fold bandage, creating a collar-and-cuff sling, and as a folded pad for major wounds or padding. This must-have first aid tool is truly the Swiss Army knife of bandages!
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4. Kleenex Chronicles: From Makeup to Mucus

Once upon a snot: an unexpected twist in the Kleenex tissue chronicles that surely caught more than just makeup! Originally, these fluffy paper pieces were heroes in liberating faces from the clutches of cold cream and makeup residue. However, their destiny changed when Kimberly-Clark Corporation found 60% of customers were using Kleenex tissues to evict nose goblins instead, ultimately leading to a shift in advertising and a runny...err, we mean, a running success in sales.
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Enchanted Evolution: Kleenex's Fairytale Twist

5. Enchanted Evolution: Kleenex's Fairytale Twist

Once upon a time in the land of face-painting and vanishing mirrors, there existed a magical potion to erase the cosmetic sins of the day: Kleenex tissues! But fate and folks' noses had other plans: Originally intended as makeup removers, they became disposable handkerchiefs after a 1926 survey revealed 60% of users preferred them for nose-blowing duties. Now, these enchanting squares have evolved into a global phenomenon of scented, ultra-soft, and even anti-viral varieties, making nostrils worldwide rejoice.
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6. Bamboo-zling Toilet Trivia: Tree-free Tissues

Who knew toilet trivia could be tree-mendously bamboo-zling? Here's some tissue for your toilet issue: Bamboo paper products, including toilet paper, emit 30% fewer greenhouse gases compared to conventional products made from virgin forest fiber. Companies like Grove Co. craft responsibly sourced tree-free products, partnering with the Arbor Day Foundation to replant American forestland with each purchase. Even the pandas don't mind, as the bamboo used isn't on their menu and is grown without fertilizers or pesticides!
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