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Discover the Incredible: Top 9 Amazing Fun Facts About the Human Body for Kids!

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Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey through the incredible world of the human body, designed especially for curious kids who are eager to uncover its weirdest and most fascinating secrets!

1. Tongue-Tastic Prints

If the tongue could talk, it would boast about its one-of-a-kind credentials: Tongue prints are actually unique to each person, just like fingerprints, and are being explored as a biometric authentication tool for personal identification!
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2. Haircuts Everywhere!

If you've ever felt like you needed a haircut on your eyelids or knees, you're not alone: Humans actually have three different types of hair – lanugo, vellus, and terminal – growing on various body parts, except for lips, fingertips, palms, soles, glans penis, and labia minora!
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3. Hearts of Champions

Your heart is quite the overachiever even at age 5, always pumping iron like a bodybuilder—except the "iron" is your lifeblood and the "gym" is your body: As a child, your heart is roughly the same size as your fist; when full-grown, it's the size of TWO fists, beating like a rockstar drummer around 35 million times per year, and over 2.5 billion times during your amazing lifetime. Now that's one legendary marathon you run while lying on the couch!
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4. Bone-Fusing Babies

Who knew that babies were part-time contortionists and masters of fusion? Our little humanstunners, when born, resemble flexible squirmy aliens with a whopping 300-ish bones: As they morph into adulthood, many of their cartilage-based bones merge together, leaving the average adult with a slightly less impressive but still sturdy 206 bones that constitute about 15 percent of their body weight.
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Jiggly Brain Jelly

5. Jiggly Brain Jelly

You might think your brain is as tough as nails, but in reality, it's more like a wobbly bowl of jelly: The human brain is so delicate and fragile, it has a jello-like consistency, and it needs to undergo preservation and chemical hardening just to be held or dissected!
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6. Human Traffic Lights

Who knew humans were like walking traffic lights? That's right: while we have three color-sensing cones for red, green, and blue light, most other mammals only have two types for green and blue/ultraviolet light, making us quite the colorful creatures!
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7. Superhero Liver

Hey there, liver little room for a regenerating superhero in your belly: The human liver can astonishingly regenerate itself after being damaged, with a healthy person able to lose up to 65% of it and still regrow it within months – call it the starfish of our insides!
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8. Stomach Soundtracks

Ever wondered what's rumbling in your tummy when it's not your hunger demanding attention? That's the sound of your stomach acting like a DJ for your intestines, spinning some gastrointestinal tunes called borborygmi: These groovy noises are the result of food, fluids, and gas grooving through your digestive system, and while normally part of the body's playlist, exceptionally loud and frequent tracks could indicate an issue like diarrhea, celiac disease, or lactose intolerance, as a sign to change your dietary record.
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9. Snail-Paced Nails

Ever feel like you're "nailing" life at a snail's pace? Well, so are your keratin sidekicks: Your fingernails grow about one-tenth of an inch (2.5 millimeters) per month, taking a leisurely 3 to 6 months to completely renew themselves!
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