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7 Mind-Blowing Fun Facts About World Population You Never Knew!

illustration of population
Get ready to be mind-blown with these remarkable and entertaining fun facts about population that'll surely make you the life of any trivia-infused gathering!

1. Human Tetris in Texas

If you think fitting your family into a minivan for a road trip is tricky, try squeezing the entire human population into a single state: Astonishingly, all 7.8 billion people on Earth could cozily snuggle into the Lone Star State of Texas with room to spare!
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2. Overachieving Tornadoes

It turns out that humans, as a species, graduated magna cum laude from the School of Overachieving Tornadoes: Despite accounting for less than 1% of the Earth's total life weight, we've managed to decrease wild land mammals by a whopping seven times and marine mammals by one fifth through deforestation, hunting, and other activities, even causing the disappearance of many plant species!
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3. Japan's Senior Shopping Spree

In a land where sumo wrestlers are prized for their girth, it seems the Land of the Rising Sun is bending the knee to petite and peppy pensioners: Japan's aging population has companies producing and marketing products specifically for seniors, such as refrigerators and vacuum cleaners tailored to their smaller stature and lighter weight, all due to changing consumer demand.
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4. America's Speedy Population Growth

They say slow and steady wins the race, but America's population growth must have taken a speed-boosting shortcut: from 100 million in the roaring '20s, doubling to 200 million in the psychedelic '60s, and then sprinting to 300 million in 2006 - cutting the doubling time from 52 to just 36 years! U.S. population is projected to zoom forward and hit 388 million by 2050.
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Monaco's Multicultural Mashup

5. Monaco's Multicultural Mashup

In the tiny game of Monopoly that is Monaco, everyone's pocketing a little bit of each other's culture: The small nation boasts residents from a staggering 125 different nationalities, including over 300 Americans and more than 200 Canadians.
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6. Niger's Eternal Teenagehood

In a world where age seems to just be a number, Niger casually strolls into the youthful side of life like it's carrying the secret to eternal teenagehood: With an average age of just 15 years, Niger boasts one of the youngest populations around the globe, thanks in part to its high population growth rate and patriarchal societal norms. However, these forever-young folks aren't quite reaching peak fertility, maintaining a birth rate of 7.2 children per woman, which isn't the highest in the world.
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7. Holy Cow-growth-abunga!

Holy cow-growth-abunga, Batman! It seems humanity has been busier than a one-legged man at a butt-kicking contest: Since 1 AD, the world's population has increased by a factor of over 35, rocketing from a measly few million to a whopping 7 billion today, with the most significant jumps occurring between 1700 and 2000. So while some areas like Western Europe and Japan put a pause on the baby-making, others are still going strong, making sure Earth remains happily crowded.
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