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Discover the Tiny World: Top 15 Amazing and Fun Facts About Germs You Won't Believe!

illustration of germs
Dive into the microscopic world of germs and prepare to be amazed by these tiny, yet fascinating, microbes that play a vital role in our lives.

1. Phone Germ Party

Hold the phone, germophobes: that office telephone you've been chatting on is a hotbed of microscopic menaces! Dr. Charles Gerba, a germs' arch-nemesis, has discovered our phone receivers to be swarming with over 25,000 cooties per square inch - a shocking 5 times more contaminated than your friendly toilet seat.
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2. Bacteria's Speedy Cloning

If bacteria had a favorite party trick, it would be their miraculous ability to clone themselves faster than teeny-tiny Usain Bolts running a microscopic marathon: In optimal conditions, some food poisoning bacteria can double in number every 10 minutes, thriving best at temperatures around 37°C and relying on moisture to transport nutrients and grow their bacterial army, while others like Clostridium perfringens prefer a toastier 46°C.
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3. Kissing for Good Health

Next time you pucker up, remember: you might be kissing your way to better health, in true "Peaches & Herb" style by uniting and "reunited" with your microbial better half: A study discovered that partners who engage in intimate smooching at least nine times a day exchange a sizable amount of bacteria, shaping a similar oral microbiome while even transferring gut-friendly probiotics. Not to mention, certain shared habits like using the same toothpaste might keep your dental dwellers harmonious. So, feel free to enjoy each other's company, bacteria, and all, as high microbial diversity in your mouth has health benefits!
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4. Birthday Cake Bacteria Bonanza

Forget dieting, there's a new way to avoid those extra calories on birthday cakes: blowing out candles! Beware though, all that wishful huffing and puffing might just come with an extra serving of bacteria: A study by Clemson University found that blowing out birthday candles can increase the bacteria on cake frosting by up to 120 times. But fear not, cake lovers, because most of the bacteria in our mouths are harmless and the chance of getting sick from a birthday cake is minimal. While some people may be expert germ-spreaders, others don't transfer any at all. So, maybe avoid a slice from Sickly Sally, but otherwise party on without germaphobe guilt!
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Gym Germs Pumping Iron

5. Gym Germs Pumping Iron

Next time you hit the gym, remember that you might be pumping some "iron-ic" bacteria along with those weights: Studies show that staph bacteria, including the dreaded antibiotic-resistant MRSA strain, can hitch a workout on gym equipment, towels, and mats, but keeping personal hygiene in check with handwashing, covering cuts, and wiping down gear can keep these uninvited fitness buddies at bay.
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6. Cellphones' Germ Fiesta

Feeling icky about public restrooms? Don't worry—your trusty cellphone is keeping you company in germ-a-palooza: Studies at the University of Arizona show that cellphones carry harmful bacteria like E-Coli, MRSA, and Strep. To steer clear of these uninvited guests, wipe your phone with a 60% water and 40% rubbing alcohol solution a few times per month, and every other day if you're sick or working in a medical environment. Oh, and maybe let your phone wait outside when nature calls.
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7. Spongebob's Sponge Germ-a-Thon

Holy Spongebob's bacteria party! If our favorite square-pantsed character were throwing a shindig in your kitchen, you'd be shocked to learn just how many tiny, uninvited guests are lurking around: According to a study, there are approximately 10 million bacteria per square inch on a kitchen sponge and 1 million per square inch on a dish cloth, which can lead to illnesses such as Guillain-Barre syndrome and cause loss of movement. Keep Bikini Bottom in check by properly cleaning and disinfecting your sponges and dishcloths, folks!
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8. Sneeze-tastic Germ Tornado

Beware the sneeze: a tiny, germ-infested tornado of doom, ready to wreak havoc on unsuspecting noses and immune systems everywhere! That's right, folks: according to the CDC and MIT, the droplets expelled during a sneeze or cough can contain germs for colds, flu, chickenpox, and measles and travel up to six to eight feet due to a gaslike cloud. So, don't forget to cover your sneeze with a tissue or elbow and wash those hands like you mean it, lest we all fall victim to your lung-thunder!
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9. Contagious Cash Flow

Who needs a bank when you've got billions in bacteria? Your wallet might be coughing up more germs than Benjamins: Studies have shown that paper money and coins can play host to a plethora of pathogens, including the notorious superbug MRSA. With physical currency exchanging hands about 55 times a year, it's crucial to wash your hands with soap or use sanitizer post-handling to dodge those contagiously crafty banknote bacteria!
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Bacteria in Beards – Myth Busted

10. Bacteria in Beards – Myth Busted

Beards, nature's facial loofah and potential germ hotel: Fear not, for a Swiss study reveals that the bacteria found in men's beards are mostly harmless, akin to those residing on one's skin, debunking the bearded bane of carrying more germs than a dog's fur.
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11. Germ Staying Power

Don't play "germ roulette" because those microscopic critters have quite the staying power: Some bacteria can survive on surfaces for hours, days, or even months, and our hands carry an average of 3,200 different germs belonging to over 150 species. Pro-tip: give those hands a thorough washing to ensure they don't outlast your favorite sitcom!
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12. Gut Avengers to the Rescue

Meet the gut Avengers, a probiotic crew with a license to chill and defend your internal realm: these live beneficial bacteria and yeasts, which naturally inhabit your body, boost your immune system, aid digestion, and bravely battle against any villainous bacteria that dare to trespass into your bloodstream.
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13. Antibiotic-Resistance Brainstorm

Bacteria hold frequent brainstorming sessions on antibiotic resistance and they're quite the creative bunch: they swap ideas through survival of the fittest, biological mutations, DNA exchange, and rapid reproduction, resulting in stronger, more resistant germs that leave doctors rummaging in their bag of tricks for those last-resort drugs.
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14. Shopping Cart Trojan Horse

Next time you're racing down the grocery aisle, wielding your shopping cart like a noble steed, remember this: your valiant charger might be more of a Trojan Horse harboring an army of germs: In a study conducted by the University of Arizona, it was found that shopping carts harbor more bacteria, saliva, and fecal matter than public restrooms, telephones, and escalators, falling just behind playground equipment and bus rails. This grim discovery has prompted some states, like Arkansas, to mandate grocery stores provide sanitation wipes for customers, keeping both their carts and kingdoms germ-free!
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Lemon Wedge Germ Alert

15. Lemon Wedge Germ Alert

When life gives you lemons, you might want to think twice about that slice in your drink: A 2007 study revealed that nearly 70% of restaurant lemon wedges were contaminated with up to 25 different types of germs, including traces of fecal matter and raw meat, due to improper washing and cutting board hygiene. Although no reported illnesses have been linked to these citric culprits, a little tip – request your lemon slices on a separate plate and simply squeeze its tang into your beverage to avoid any unsavory surprises.
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