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Discover the Cosmos: Top 13 Fun Facts About UY Scuti, the Universe's Giant Star

illustration of uy-scuti
Get ready to have your mind blown by these fun facts about UY Scuti, the cosmic giant that'll make our own Sun seem like a tiny speck of stardust!

1. UY Scuti's Tinder Profile

If UY Scuti had a Tinder profile, it would probably say "I'm big, I'm bright, and I live life in the fast lane – but don't worry, the lightyears won't hold us back": This star is the largest known in the universe, a short-lived hypergiant discovered in 1860 by German astronomers. Located around 9,500 lightyears away, it has an estimated radius of 1.188 billion kilometers, and is so huge that it could easily accommodate 5 billion eager suns looking for a place to cozy up!
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2. Sun's Struggle at UY Scuti's House Party

If UY Scuti were a house party, our Sun would struggle to fit into the bathroom: UY Scuti is the largest star ever discovered, with a staggering radius of 1,700 times that of our Sun—allowing approximately 5 billion Suns to fit snugly inside its celestial walls!
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3. Cosmic Andre the Giant

Imagine if Andre the Giant squeezed into a phone booth with 29 of his friends: that's the cosmic equivalent of the biggest star club! Seriously though: While UY Scuti is often considered the largest star in the universe, there are about 30 other stars that rival or even surpass its immense size, which boasts a radius around 1,700 times larger than our sun.
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4. UY Scuti's Red Carpet Takeover

If UY Scuti were a celebrity, it'd be the one hogging all the seats and turning the red carpet into an ultra-wide runway: this enormous star has a radius over 1,700 times greater than the sun, stretching its outer surface beyond the orbit of Jupiter and spanning nearly 8 astronomical units across!
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UY Scuti: Hide-and-Seek Fiasco

5. UY Scuti: Hide-and-Seek Fiasco

If UY Scuti decided to engage in a celestial game of hide-and-seek, it would be about as inconspicuous as an elephant in your living room: replacing our sun in the center of the solar system, this colossal star's reach would sprawl all the way out to Jupiter's orbit! When we talk about size matters, this 1,708 times solar radii behemoth makes a stunning example, though it maintains a cooler façade with a surface temperature of 3,365 Kelvin, humbly admitting defeat to our sun's fiery temperament.
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6. UY Scuti's Cosmic Pool Party

If UY Scuti decided to throw a pool party, you'd never guess who'd be the life of the party: The enormous star would unexpectedly float like a gigantic cosmic rubber ducky! But be warned, party-crashers: getting too close to UY Scuti is a guaranteed way to suffer from one cosmic hangover, as its extreme temperature and radiation would quickly prove lethal for any living being.
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7. UY Scuti: The Ultimate Gym

If UY Scuti were a gym, it would put even the biggest fitness enthusiasts to shame with its massive gains: This colossal superstar would take a commercial airliner 1086 years to fly around its circumference, has a volume of 2.3 octillion miles which could fit 6.6 quadrillion Earths, and light takes 7.7 hours to travel around it instead of Earth's puny 14.5 seconds.
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8. UY Scuti: Sun's Twinkling Nightlight

Hold onto your spacesuits, stargazers: UY Scuti's size is so astronomically bonkers, it makes our sun look like a cute little twinkling nightlight in comparison! Serious reveal: As one of the largest known stars in the universe, UY Scuti resides 9,500 light-years away, boasting a radius 1,700 times bigger than our sun within the modestly-named constellation Scutum, near the center of the Milky Way.
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9. UY Scuti Walks into a Bar

UY Scuti walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "You're gonna need a pretty big stool": this colossal red hypergiant star is so vastly humongous that, were it put in the middle of our solar system, its outer shell would extend way past Jupiter, a whopping 1.188 billion kilometers in radius! Discovered in 1860 by German astronomers, UY Scuti holds the title of the universe's largest known star, residing in the constellation Scutum and around 9,500 lightyears away from Earth—and yet, it only has a few million years to brag about its size, as hypergiants like this one have a relatively short lifespan.
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UY Scuti: Biggest, But Not Hottest

10. UY Scuti: Biggest, But Not Hottest

UY Scuti walks into a bar: the bartender says, "You must be the biggest star here, but not the hottest." And indeed, it's true! UY Scuti is the largest known star but with a cooler surface temperature of 3,300 K, making it a red supergiant that's 340,000 times more luminous than the Sun.
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11. UY Scuti: The Couch-Hogging House Guest

If UY Scuti were a house guest, it'd certainly overstay its welcome and hog all the couch space: This humongous star's photosphere would extend beyond Jupiter's orbit if it replaced our sun, and its gas-ejecting nebula reaches up to 400 times the distance between Earth and the sun!
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12. UY Scuti's Sunblock Challenge

Hold onto your sunblock, space travelers, because UY Scuti makes our sun look like a mere firefly at a cosmic rave: If it replaced the sun in our solar system, its photosphere would stretch beyond Jupiter's orbit while its gas-shrouded nebula would span a whopping 400 times the distance between Earth and the sun!
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13. UY Scuti's 740-Year Rotation

Ever feel like time's dragging on and on, like a Monday morning rush-hour? Well, UY Scuti has you beat: It takes this colossal star an astounding 740 Earth years just to complete a single rotation, thanks to its massive size affecting its angular momentum – all revealed by the very large telescope exploring our universe's awe-inspiring wonders.
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