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Discover the Cosmos: Top 14 Fun and Fascinating Facts about Haumea, the Mysterious Dwarf Planet

illustration of haumea
Get ready to embark on an astronomical adventure as we uncover some out-of-this-world fun facts about Haumea, the most intriguing egg-shaped dwarf planet in our solar system!

1. Haumea's Speedy Spin & Dance Partner Moons

Step aside, speed skaters and spinning tops, Haumea's got you beat with its breakneck twirls and dance-worthy moon duo: This fascinating dwarf planet completes one spin in just 3.9 hours, boasts a size larger and density lower than expected, has a flashy ring around it, and is accompanied by two wee moons named Hi'aka and Namaka.
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2. Cosmic Peek-a-Boo with Namaka

In a cosmic game of peek-a-boo, Haumea and its moon Namaka play an out-of-this-world version of "now you see me, now you don't" with Earth as their curious audience: Namaka's nearly edge-on orbit causes subtle changes in Haumea's brightness during their mutual events, providing astronomers with valuable data on Haumea's shape and size for a brief window of time until they vanish into cosmic oblivion for another 140 years.
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3. The Egg-Laying Dwarf Planet

If Haumea was a chicken, it'd be one magnificent egg-layer: This dwarf planet rotates so rapidly that it completes one spin in just 3.9 hours, resulting in an adorably distorted, egg-like shape and giving it the title of one of the least spherical celestial bodies in the Solar System.
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4. Haumea: Sonic the Hedgehog's Rival

Move over, Sonic the Hedgehog: there's a cosmic speedster spinning circles around you! Haumea, a dwarf planet in our solar system, completes one rotation on its axis every four hours, making it the fastest known large object to do so and causing its shape to resemble a squished ball or spinning top.
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Haumea's Fashionable Tilted Ring

5. Haumea's Fashionable Tilted Ring

When Haumea decided to accessorize, it didn't hold back: this dwarf planet, known for its peculiar celestial flair, was discovered in 2017 to be sporting a fashionable ring near its equator, but with a unique tilt due to its oblong shape and rapid rotation, making it the only one of its kind in the solar system.
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6. Cosmic Potato with Identity Crisis

Haumea, the cosmic potato with celestial-strike-induced identity crisis: This quirky dwarf planet zips through a complete rotation in just 3.9 hours, boasts an odd ellipsoid shape due to an ancient cosmic smackdown, and even sports a mysterious red-and-blue beauty mark.
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7. The Ice Cold Collisional Family

Forget about the Fairy Godmother and her magical ice powers: Haumea and its moons Hi'iaka and Namaka bring a whole new meaning to the term "ice cold"! Hi'iaka boasts a surface abundant in pure water ice, while Namaka's orbit is greatly influenced by Hi'iaka's grasp. This chilly trio is part of Haumea's extended collisional family, formed from icy remnants of a massive impact in its ancient past – just without the enchanted tiara.
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8. Haumea, the Ring-Bling Spinning Instructor

If Haumea were a spinning instructor, it'd have you sweating bullets with its record-breaking rotations: In fact, Haumea is the fastest rotating dwarf planet in the Solar System, completing one spin on its axis every four hours. This speedy dance results in its unique ellipsoid shape, and to top it off, Haumea flaunts a fancy ring system discovered in 2017 – the first Trans-Neptunian object to boast such bling. With a radius of 2,287 km and a width of 70 km, this cosmic jewelry contributes 5% to Haumea's overall brightness.
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9. Haumea: DJ of the Solar System

They say good things come in small packages, but Haumea planet begs to differ, as it prefers to spin faster than a DJ dropping beats at a galactic party: Seriously though, Haumea is the fastest rotating dwarf planet in our Solar System, whipping around in just 3.9 hours, while sporting an elongated shape and a shiny crystalline water ice surface!
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Break-Dancing Egg with Groupie Moons

10. Break-Dancing Egg with Groupie Moons

Haumea, the cosmic hard-boiled egg on steroids, is on a roll, break-dancing its way around the solar system with not just a flashy ring to show off, but a couple of moons tagging along as groupies: Discovered relatively recently, this strange dwarf planet is the only one to have a ring system, an unusual egg shape, a lightning-fast rotation every 3.9 hours, and the company of two moons – a unique interstellar entertainer!
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11. Snap, Crackle, and Spin Cereal

If Haumea were a breakfast cereal, it would be Snap, Crackle, and Spin: this dwarf planet rotates so quickly it's shaped like a cosmic football! Seriously though: Haumea, one of the fastest spinning large objects in our solar system, has a rotation period of just four hours, resulting in its elongated shape and origins likely stemming from a massive early impact.
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12. Hi'iaka and Namaka's Goddess Rebellion

In a celestial game of "Moons Gone Wild," Haumea's tiny satellites Hi'iaka and Namaka decided to ditch the typical moon lifestyle and embrace their inner goddesses: Hi'iaka and Namaka, named after Hawaiian deities, are the two fascinating moons of dwarf planet Haumea. Discovered in 2005, they boast uncommon traits, like Hi'iaka's abundance of pure water ice and Namaka's highly eccentric orbit that's significantly influenced by its larger sibling. Talk about celestial sibling rivalry!
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13. Cosmic Quarterback Haumea

Haumea, the cosmic quarterback of our solar system, just can't keep its shape when spinning like a pro: With a breakneck rotation of once every four hours, this dwarf planet boasts the fastest spin among large celestial bodies, resulting in a fascinating, elongated, football-like structure, and a rocky core lurking beneath its icy exterior.
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14. Haumea's Eggscellent Time in Space

Haumea, proving once again that you don't need a dozen eggs to have an eggscellent time in space: This peculiar dwarf planet's rapid rotation gives it a distinct "egg-shaped" appearance, bulging at the equator and flattening at the poles, making it a scrambled eggstraordinary phenomenon among celestial bodies.
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