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Terrific Tuesday Trivia: Discover 3 Amazing Fun Facts About Tuesdays You Never Knew!

illustration of tuesday
Dive into the terrific world of Tuesdays as we unravel some of the most fascinating, captivating, and absolutely TUES-riffic fun facts about everyone's second favorite day of the week!

1. Greek Triskaidekaphobia Tuesdays

Feeling like you're seeing triple on a Tuesday? Well, you're not alone – the Greeks certainly share this cheeky dose of triskaidekaphobia: In Greece, Tuesdays are considered the unluckiest day of the week, stemming from historical events like the two falls of Constantinople, both happening on Tuesdays. To top it off, Greek Tuesdays have the name Triti, which implies bad luck coming in threes and are also associated with Mars, the god of war. So next time you find yourself in Greece on a Tuesday, don't be surprised if things get a little... three-ky!
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2. Romans' Warless Tuesdays

Forget about "don't wear white after Labor Day": the real rule-breaker might just be the ancient Romans, who threw caution to the wind and reveled in warfare every Tuesday with nary an intervention from Mars, the god of war himself! No colonial era etiquette breaches here, folks: In reality, Tuesday held no special significance for starting wars, despite being named after Mars. The god of war was celebrated throughout the year with festivals such as Equiria, Feriae Marti, and Mars Invictus, but there wasn't any day-off-limits when it came to military combat.
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3. Hinduism's Auspicious Marsday

If you're feeling a bit "under the Mars" on a Tuesday, don't be too surprised: it's because Tuesday is an auspicious day in Hinduism, associated with the planet Mars and Lord Hanuman, and following certain rituals like fasting and worshipping on this day is believed to bring prosperity and well-being.
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