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Discover the Top 6 Mind-Blowing Fun Facts About Thursdays You Never Knew!

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Dive into the fascinating world of Thursday, where intriguing tidbits and unexpected surprises await in every corner of this unsung hero of the week.

1. Thursday: The Spiritual Powerhouse

Who knew Thursday could be such a spiritual powerhouse, fueling blessings and fortune like some sort of celestial battery charger? Well, buckle up buttercups: In Hinduism, Thursday is linked to the planet Jupiter and dedicated to the deity Brihaspati, who showers good fortune on those who pray and fast on this day. Besides, it's also reserved for worshipping Lord Vishnu and his avatars, adding a double dose of divine goodness to your fourth day of the week. So, next time you need a luck boost, remember Thursday's got your back.
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2. Salty Hair, Don't Care: Thursday Traditions

Feeling salty about your hair on Thursdays? Well, in Hindu tradition, that's perfectly normal: Thursdays are known as the day of Guru or Brihaspati, when people fast, avoid washing their head, and skip salt in their meals to please the deity, ultimately bringing spiritual and physical benefits, including removing marital obstacles and improving health and financial conditions.
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3. Egyptian Copts' Midweek Fiesta

You know what they say, "A midweek fiesta keeps the boredom at bay": The Egyptian Copts celebrate Nayrouz on September 11th, as their version of New Year's Day with a festival that remembers and commemorates martyrs and confessors, formerly uniting both Christian and Muslim Egyptians in the same jubilant spirit every September, until it gradually lost its popularity due to government repression.
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4. Thanksgiving: Calendar's Musical Chairs

In a twist as surprising as discovering Grandma's secret ingredient in her Thanksgiving stuffing, we learn that the mother of all feasts once played "musical chairs" on the calendar: President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving from the last Thursday of November to the fourth Thursday back in 1941, aiming to lengthen the Christmas shopping season. But after two years of grumbling and confused guests showing up a week late, it was enshrined in legislation as the fourth Thursday—making it the last Thursday for most, and allowing folks to gobble 'til they wobble with confidence.
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Holy Thursday: Jesus' Spa Service

5. Holy Thursday: Jesus' Spa Service

Picture this: you've just caught Jesus Christ wearing an apron and dish gloves, waiting to give your feet a divine spa treatment: On Holy Thursday, priests wash the feet of laymen during the Mass of the Lord's Supper, embodying Christ's lesson in humility and service, as He washed the feet of His disciples and asked them to spread love by serving others. (John 13:12-15)
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6. Thursday: Your Cosmic Cash Cow

Rejoice, aspiring Jovian entrepreneurs, for Thursday is your cosmic cash cow: it's the day of Jupiter in Hindu astrology, which makes it auspicious for conducting important business deals and launching new ventures, putting Lady Luck and prosperity on your side like pie and whipped cream.
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