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Discover the Magic: Top 14 Fascinating and Fun Facts About Santa Claus You Never Knew

illustration of santa
Get ready to jingle all the way with these ho-ho-hilarious fun facts about Santa that are sure to sleigh your festive curiosity!

1. Santa's Speedy Delivery Strategy

While old Saint Nick must be guzzling down a gallon of Jingle Juice every festive season to power his way through an intercontinental all-nighter, he's figured out a mathematical marvel to wiggle through chimneys in record time: Jolly Santa only needs to visit around 22 million kids per hour thanks to uneven distribution of children across regions, strategically navigating his way through various time zones, and religious demographics, before successfully delivering presents to over 526 million Christian youngsters, aged under 14, in the course of a single Yuletide evening.
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2. Coca-Cola's Santa Style Influence

Hold onto your candy canes and North Pole dance pants: Santa's iconic red suit wasn't a Coca-Cola brainchild. In reality, St. Nick had been donning his scarlet threads long before the soda company got involved, but Coca-Cola managed to immortalize his look when they commissioned artist Haddon Sundblom to create a heartwarming portrayal of the jolly man in 1931, shaping and popularizing the lovable Santa we cherish today.
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3. Santa's Reindeer Subspecies

When you say "jingle all the way," these Christmas hoofers take it literally, flaunting their exclusive airborne footwear and hooking up with a team of nine: Saintnicolas magicalus, a unique subspecies of reindeer according to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, sport wide round hooves perfect for sky-high shenanigans, joining forces with Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner (undercover as Dunder or Donder), and Blitzen (concealed as Blixem or Blixen).
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4. Canada Claims Santa as a Citizen

Who knew Santa was a Canuck, eh?: In a bold move of Arctic diplomacy, Canada declared Santa Claus a citizen, claiming the North Pole in order to protect him, and even has Canada Post responding to kids' letters addressed to jolly old St. Nick at North Pole, H0H 0H0, Canada, sparking international debate about his true nationality.
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Santa's Canadian Citizenship

5. Santa's Canadian Citizenship

Has Santa been naughty or nice? It seems like he's a good "Canuck" after all: In 2012, the Canadian government officially declared Santa Claus a citizen with authorized re-entry rights, his red and white attire curiously matching their flag colors. In fact, he's been a prized national on Santa trackers by the joint Canadian-U.S. NORAD for over 50 years, always starting his global Christmas journey from the Canadian Arctic.
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6. Reindeer Superpowers

Who needs night vision goggles and a sniffer dog when you've got Santa's elite squad of GPS reindeer? These Arctic all-stars are leading Santa's sleigh ride with style: Reindeer possess the ability to see in the dark and have an exceptional sense of smell, enabling them to find food buried within snow and consume nutrition-rich lichen found on tree trunks and rocks in their Arctic habitat – just the skills needed for a global overnight mission of delivering festive joy!
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7. Mrs. Claus' Mysterious Identity

In a world where Santa's missus has more pseudonyms than a slick secret agent infiltrating the North Pole: Mrs. Claus' true first name remains an elusive mystery in history. Despite monikers like Jessica and Anya from yesteryear films, early writings simply dub her "Mrs. Claus," leaving us guessing at her undercover identity.
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8. Santa's Hypersleigh Upgrade

As Santa traded in his eight tiny reindeer for a sleigh souped up with enough horsepower to rival the Fast and the Furious, it seems he's finally found a solution to his yearly delivery dilemma: The U.S. Air Force designed a new sleigh for Santa Claus called the Hypersleigh, capable of traveling at Mach 3.59, significantly slower than the previously estimated Mach 3,000, ensuring a safer ride that prevents spontaneous combustion and reindeer-vaporizing sonic booms.
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9. Thomas Nast's Santa Transformation

Before sliding down chimneys, Santa Claus had his own Extreme Makeover: Festive Edition: The plump and jolly figure we now associate with Saint Nick is actually the creative brainchild of Thomas Nast, an American painter hailing from Bavaria. Nast's nostalgic memories of a benevolent, toy-toting, cake-distributing old man from his German childhood led to the iconic portrayal of Kris Kringle that remains globally beloved to this day.
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St. Nicholas' Trusty Donkey

10. St. Nicholas' Trusty Donkey

Before Santa got his sleigh bells jingling and reindeer a-prancing, the jolly old fella's ride was more "hee-haw" than "ho-ho-ho": St. Nicholas used to traverse the wintry landscapes on a trusty donkey, and some devout devotees still leave hay-n-chompers —carrots— in their kids' shoes as a tasty treat for the original Yuletide transport's tireless toil.
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11. Santa's Massive Milk and Cookie Feast

Santa’s a certified cookie monster – gobbling his way through a global feast of sugary delights and swimming in a milk-based ocean that would put Michael Phelps to shame: On Christmas Eve, approximately one billion cookies and 500 million glasses of milk are left out around the world for the beloved bearded benefactor! In the United States alone, about one million households participate in this festive offering. Just two bites of each cookie amount to a whopping 336,150,386 cookies, while the total milk volume could fill an Olympic pool nine times over!
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12. La Befana, Santa's Italian Cousin

Forget milk and cookies, Santa's Italian cousin prefers broccoli and a cheeky glass of vino: La Befana, the Italian Christmas Witch, delivers goodies like candies and small toys to well-behaved children, stuffing their shoes or stockings on the eve of the Feast of Epiphany, while mischievous ones get a lumpy pile of coal, and it is customary for families to leave a scrumptious platter of sausage, broccoli, and a glass of wine to be her reward for the visit.
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13. NORAD Tracks Santa Origins

In a Christmas twist to the phrase, "Santa, I know him!", it was actually a Sears department store ad that played unintentional matchmaker between jolly old Saint Nick and the military's finest in 1955: A misprinted phone number in the advertisement led excited children to call the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) Center, where Colonel Harry Shoup took the first call and cleverly gave the kids fake "Santa sightings," transforming this instance of miscommunication into a cherished annual tradition now known as the NORAD Tracks Santa program.
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14. Krampus, the Naughty List Enforcer

Move over, naughty list, there's a new sheriff in town: In Alpine folklore, Saint Nicholas is accompanied by Krampus, a horned creature that punishes misbehaving children with birch rods on December 6th, as they visit homes during the Advent season, with Krampus even starring in his own parade called Krampuslauf.
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