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Discover the Glow: Top 8 Fascinating Fun Facts About Jack O' Lanterns You Never Knew

illustration of jack-o-lanterns
Get ready to illuminate your mind with these fascinating fun facts about the spooky and enchanting world of jack o' lanterns!

1. Jack, the Original Night Watchman

Before pumpkins outshined their root vegetable cousins in the world of spooky decor, good ol' Jack was just a simple watchman destined for stardom: The term "jack-o'-lantern" initially referred to a night watchman named "Jack" and his trusty lantern, but it was the 19th-century Irish immigrants who carved a bright future for pumpkins by bringing their tradition of crafting scary faces on turnips and potatoes to America.
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2. Jack's Evil-Spirit-Free Runway

Before Stingy Jack envisioned an evil-spirit-free, brightly lit runway to hell using only pumpkins: there's a fact that the jack-o'-lantern tradition initially began in Ireland and Scotland, where people carved frightening faces on turnips and potatoes to ward off wicked beings during Halloween. Yet, when these old-world heroes sailed to the land of the stars and stripes, they discovered pumpkins were the one true canvas for their ghoulish masterpiece, eternally securing their spot as the jack-o'-lantern hall of fame inductee.
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3. Stingy Jack's Turnip Trickery

Before Stingy Jack pumpkin-spiced his way into everyone's hearts, he was just a mischievous Irish lad with a knack for bamboozling: The term "jack-o'-lantern" springs from an Irish folktale about Stingy Jack, who managed to dupe the devil himself. As a result, Jack's afterlife involved a condemned wander with a makeshift lantern forged from a hollowed-out turnip, glowing with ember-filled coal. When Irish immigrants sought better fortune in America, they traded turnips for pumpkins and the utterly-ghourdgeous Halloween decoration we know and love was born.
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4. Cinderella's Fairy Godmother's Turnip Inspo

Before Cinderella's fairy godmother made turnips cool and pumpkins cooler, ol' Stingy Jack was busy scaring off evil spirits with his turnip-carving talents: The very first jack-o'-lanterns were actually carved out of turnips and inspired by the Irish legend of Stingy Jack. When Irish settlers brought this frightful tradition to the United States, pumpkins took center stage as the ideal jack-o'-lantern vegetable. The world's largest carved jack-o'-lantern, crafted from an 827-pound California pumpkin in 1992, is living proof of this squash takeover. No wonder pumpkin carving is now all the rage, with elaborate kits to help etch out those ghastly grins!
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Pumpkinhead, the Prankster Extraordinaire

5. Pumpkinhead, the Prankster Extraordinaire

Before Mr. Pumpkinhead became the poster-gourd for Halloween, he had humble beginnings as a 17th-century British night watchman's BFF, light-bearer, and unsuspecting prankster extraordinaire: The term "jack o' lantern" was initially used to describe a lantern-carrying night watchman or an unknown man toting a lantern, eventually evolving to refer to the carved pumpkin lanterns we know and love today, likely originating from pagan Celtic practices of carving turnips and other root veggies, then adopted by Christians and perfected with pumpkins in America – all while mysteriously glowing their way into Halloween lore and mischief.
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6. Root Veggie Revolution

Before the pumpkin spice latte craze took over October, turnips staged their own root revolution and conquered Halloween: Turnips and mangel wurzels were originally used to make lanterns in Ireland and Scotland, with grotesque faces carved into them to represent supernatural beings or ward off evil spirits, and this tradition even spread to parts of England under the guise of Punkie Night.
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7. Scott Cully, Pumpkin-Carving Hero

When the Great Pumpkin contemplated retirement, a hero arose in the form of Scott Cully: in Bronx, New York, USA on October 30, 2010, he singlehandedly carved the largest jack o'lantern in recorded history, using a pumpkin weighing 1,810.5 pounds (821.23 kg) – a feat so impressive it earned a spot in the Official Guinness Records as the heaviest pumpkin ever harvested.
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8. Turnips, the OG Spirit Guardians

Before pumpkins became the reigning go-to gourd for All Hallows' Eve, turnips were turning heads as the ghostly guardians of Scottish porches: the tradition of carving Jack-o'-lanterns actually originated in Scotland, where they used turnips to ward off evil spirits, until pumpkins stole the limelight with their cheery, round faces and easier carving prospects!
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