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Discover the Top 7 Amazing April Fun Facts You Never Knew!

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Get ready to be showered with quirky tidbits and intriguing tales as we delve into the amusing world of April's fun facts!

1. April Fools' Teacher Lockout

When the teacher becomes the student: On April Fools' Day, a century-old prank involves locking teachers out of their schools in rural South Carolina. This hilarious tradition often led to daring attempts by teachers to enter and face further pranks or a complete surrender, acknowledging that it was not worth the struggle.
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2. Tax Day Extensions

Don't put all your taxes in one basket just yet, procrastinators: April 15th isn't always Tax Day – if it falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline for filing individual income tax returns is extended to the next non-holiday weekday, like in 2023 when it's pushed to April 18th, courtesy of the Federal Government's generosity in giving taxpayers some extra wiggle room!
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3. April's Eco-friendly Birthstones

Diamonds may be a girl's best friend, but April's birthstones are more like an eco-conscious squad ready to save the planet: The month boasts five different birthstones, with diamond leading the pack, followed by sapphire, opal, white topaz, and quartz. Each stone has a unique spiritual interpretation and a penchant for keeping negative energy at bay, making them just as precious as their more famous counterpart.
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4. Roman Cow-sacrificing Festival

Talk about moo-ving housecleaning rituals: The ancient Romans celebrated Fordicidia in April, a festival where a pregnant cow was sacrificed to the goddess Tellus, ensuring fertility for crops and farming.
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World Book and Copyright Day

5. World Book and Copyright Day

Hold on to your quills, bardolaters and bookworms: April 23rd marks World Book and Copyright Day, an annual event organized by UNESCO since 1995 to encourage reading and publishing worldwide. The date pays homage to the death anniversaries of literary legends William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, as well as the birth or passing of numerous other notable authors. Each year features a World Book Capital City, designated to champion books and reading, with Accra, the capital of Ghana, nabbing the title in 2023.
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6. National Kite Month

When wind whispers sweet nothings and leaves gleefully waltz hand in twig, our winged heroes answer the call to take flight, soaring to new heights in colorful splendor: April is National Kite Month, orchestrated by the American Kitefliers Association (AKA), as kite enthusiasts across North America commemorate the storied history and promising future of their beloved airborne contraptions, ushering in the dawn of spring and harnessing the power of interminable optimism.
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7. The Grilled Cheese Origin Story

In a heartwarming tale of seared devotion, once upon a toasty time, a humble sandwich arose to cheese-fame, stealing the "grate" American hearts: It all started in 1904 when journalist Walter Scott had the brilliant idea of grilling cheese between two slices of bread, unknowingly introducing the world to a lifelong love affair with grilled cheese. It wasn't until the invention of individually wrapped American cheese slices - popular in the 1910s and 1920s - that this comforting, melty delight really took off, especially during the Great Depression when it became a staple of the American diet. Nowadays, this once modest sandwich has blossomed into countless gourmet renditions, proving that our love affair with grilled cheese is still going strong and as versatile as ever.
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