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Discover the Divine: Top 12 Fun and Fascinating Facts About Confirmation

illustration of confirmation
Dive into the fascinating world of confirmation as we unravel some amusing and intriguing tidbits about this meaningful religious rite.

1. Divine Hulk Hogan

In a throwback to a divine game of tag, the sacrament of confirmation has bishops channeling their inner Hulk Hogan with a double laying on of hands, putting a spiritual smackdown on the faithful: Contrary to popular belief, the first laying on of hands is non-essential and symbolic, representing a passing of the Holy Spirit through an unbroken apostolic lineage dating back to Pentecost. Bishops take center stage in this spiritual relay race, with priests assisting only when given the green light from the bishop or Church law, making it unnecessary for the entire assembly to pitch in with hands-on gestures or prayers.
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2. Party of Faiths

Who said church can't be a party? Grab your holy water and confetti, because we're about to reveal some divine truth: The sacrament of Confirmation isn't exclusive to Catholics—it's also embraced by the Eastern Orthodox Church and some Protestant denominations! While the age for receiving this spiritual leg-up varies, what keeps all these Christian faiths united is their unwavering belief in the Holy Spirit's power to strengthen one's faith. Amen to that!
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3. Chanel No. Holy

Move over, Chanel No. 5 – we've got some divine competition brewing: Sacred Chrism, the special oil used in the sacrament of confirmation, also moonlights in baptisms, holy orders, and consecrating sacred objects like altars. On the off chance you need to bless your apartment with an oil that's a mix of olive oil and possibly balsam, just call up your local bishop to get your hands on this heavenly elixir after the annual chrism Mass.
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4. Spiritual Coming of Age

Bless me Father, for I am... getting confirmed? That's right! It's the Church's coming-of-age, teen-drama blockbuster: the holy matrimony of puberty and piety. But wait, there's more: Confirmation is a sacred rite in Catholicism and other Christian churches, usually occurring between ages 14-18, where youths receive a spiritual "upgrade" and seal their commitment to their faith, complete with a ceremony to strengthen that celestial connection.
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Faithful Partner-in-Crime

5. Faithful Partner-in-Crime

Looking for a lifetime commitment without the wedding bells? Say hello to being a Confirmation sponsor: A role that involves guiding a candidate's spiritual journey, helping them grasp their baptismal promises, and bearing witness to Christ. As a perpetual partner-in-faith, maintaining regular contact and offering spiritual guidance long past the ceremony is the sponsored way.
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6. One Name Wonder

Feeling extra holy and need an extra name? Surprise! You might not need one after all: In recent times, the tradition of adding a saint's name during confirmation has been low-key phased out, with the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Rite of Confirmation now only insisting that the child's name shouldn't be "foreign to a Christian mentality." Looks like your baptismal name will suffice, saving you the dilemma of picking a saintly alter ego!
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7. Bishop Magician

You know what a bishop and a magician have in common? They both have the power to delegate! In the case of confirmation, priests can step in and take over for the bishop in special circumstances: such as when baptizing someone who is no longer an infant, admitting a baptized person into full communion with the Catholic Church, or if there is a danger of death and a priest is more readily available. Don't worry, though – the bishop still oversees the process, ensuring everyone gets their spiritual booster shot!
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8. Buy One, Get One Sacraments

Baptismal bamboozle: While Eastern-rite Catholics might have you believe that they're getting a "buy one, get one free" deal with their sacraments, Latin-rite Catholics actually receive their Confirmation separately from Baptism! The distinction lies in the Eastern Churches' emphasis on unity during Christian initiation, conferring all three initiation sacraments together, while the Latin Church highlights the new Christian's communion with the bishop via Confirmation. So, whether you're going for the triple deluxe sacramental whammy or the slow and steady spiritual stroll, both paths confirm you as a witness of Christ, ready to spread and defend the faith!
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9. Holy Guacamole Assemble

Ready for a whiff of some holy guacamole? In a spirited ceremony that might seem like the Avengers assembling minus the capes, you'll find smatterings of holy oil and the laying on of hands by the bishop or priest: What's actually happening is the Sacrament of Confirmation, which deepens one's adoption as a child of God, perfects baptismal grace, and strengthens the bond with the Church. Whether you're into the Western or Eastern tradition, it's all about coming together in the name of divine initiation!
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33 A.D. Party Time

10. 33 A.D. Party Time

Feeling the Holy Ghost and rocking like it's the Day of Pentecost: In the Eastern Orthodox Church, confirmation is called chrismation and is instantly administered after baptism, symbolizing the transmission of the gifts of the Spirit, and preparing the newly enlightened to party like it's 33 A.D. with the Eucharist.
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11. Ageless Anglican Confirmation

Hey, no need for your inner child to feel left out when Anglican confirmation invitations roll around: There's actually no specific age requirement for confirmation in the Church of England! As long as a person's been baptized and can answer responsibly for themselves, any age works for this spiritual stamp of approval—even if your local bishop imposes a minimum age in some areas. Remember to double-check with your nearby vicar for the inside scoop.
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12. Customize Your Blessings

Who needs a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to divine rites? In the spiritual world of Catholicism, it’s all about customization, baby: In the United States, the age for receiving the sacrament of confirmation can vary from the "age of discretion" (around seven) to sixteen years old, depending on individual American bishops who set the age for their diocese within that range. But wait, there's more - in other countries, the age for confirmation may differ, based on the decision of the episcopal conference or the minister's judgment for a grave reason.
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