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Discover the Magic: Top 7 Fun and Unique Facts About Christmas in Argentina

illustration of christmas-in-argentina
Get ready to dive into a tango of colorful celebrations as we unwrap some fun facts about Christmas in Argentina!

1. Steak-flakes and Yuletide Vibes

Who needs snowflakes when you've got steak-flakes: Christmas in Argentina, despite its summery weather, surprisingly clings to the Yuletide vibes with a rich feast that features European and Northern Hemisphere flavors like vitel toné, Russian salad, pellet, milanesa, and matambre! The dessert marathon puts a sweet cherry on top with their pan dulce, a delightful Christmas bread, and vintage goodies including dried fruits, praliné, peanuts with chocolate, and nougats!
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2. Deck the Halls with Steaks and Sausages

Deck the halls with steaks and sausages, fa la la la la, la la la: Argentina's Christmas celebrations take a scrumptious detour from sandy beaches, featuring delectable dishes like 'matambre' and summer festivities, such as the Buenos Aires Jazz Festival, all amidst stunning landscapes like Patagonia and the Andes.
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3. Santa's Reindeer Summer Makeover

While Santa's reindeers swap their snow boots for flip-flops and their red noses for sunscreen: Christmas in Argentina is a sun-soaked affair with beach outings and "asado" barbeques complementing the traditional Christmas Eve feast, as the holiday season falls smack-dab in the middle of their summer.
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4. Gift-Giving Goes Digital

Forget sliding a card into Santa's DMs, Argentinians prefer a more modern approach to spreading holiday cheer: Christmas greetings in Argentina are commonly sent via text message or social media posts, as Christmas cards are not popular there. Instead, gifts are exchanged among close family members and friends on Christmas Eve, which serves as the main day of festivities in the country.
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Santa's Nougat-Powered Sleigh

5. Santa's Nougat-Powered Sleigh

While Santa's grabbing some extra nougat-power to fuel up his reindeer's journey: in Argentina, their Christmas dessert Turrón is a delightful Spanish nougat concoction made with a nutty mix of almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, peanuts, honey, sugar, and egg whites, and is lovingly cooked and stirred for 45 minutes before being set and savored during the joyous season.
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6. Fruitcake's Argentinian Cousin: Pan Dulce

Who needs fruitcake when you've got the Argentinian cousin crashing the Christmas party? Lo and behold the pan dulce: a scrumptious holiday sweetbread chock-full of nuts and dried fruits, tantalizing taste buds in Argentina during their festive season, either lovingly homemade or readily available at local stores and supermarkets.
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7. BBQ and Sunglasses: A Tropical Christmas

Get your Santa shades and sunscreen ready, because it's a BBQ bonanza in Argentina for Christmas: The Argentinians celebrate Christmas under summer skies with outdoor barbecues and picnics, feasting on delicious "pan dulce" - a candied bread, and sipping on cider or champagne for a festive dessert.
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