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Discover the Apostle's Secrets: Top 14 Intriguing and Fun Facts About Matthew the Apostle

illustration of matthew-the-apostle
Dive into the lesser-known tidbits of Matthew the Apostle's life as we unravel some intriguing fun facts that might just surprise you!

1. Banker to Saint

Before he found Jesus, Matthew was making bank: literally, he was a tax collector! Now, St. Matthew is the patron saint of bankers and accounting enthusiasts across the globe. In all seriousness: St. Matthew's Gospel sheds light on Christ's humanity, creating a moral compass for believers, and he spent his post-resurrection years spreading the good word from Judaea to countries like Ethiopia, Persia, and Macedonia.
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2. Taxman Turned Apostle

From taxman to miracle man, it seems even the holiest gigs have their fair share of promotion opportunities: Matthew, once a tax collector named Levi, abandoned his calculating ways when Jesus called upon him to follow and he instantly traded his abacus for the chance to be an apostle, later hosting dinner parties with sinners and tax collectors, earning Jesus a bit of heat from the Pharisees – but hey, everyone loves a good redemption story!
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3. Tax-ing Career Change

Talk about a tax-ing career change: Matthew went from being a despised tax collector in ancient Judaism to becoming one of Jesus's twelve apostles and the author of the Gospel of Matthew, a key part of the New Testament!
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4. Yelp Reviewer to Gospel Writer

When Matthew wasn't busy scribing those Yelp reviews in ancient Jerusalem – probably giving five-star ratings to all you-can-eat fish and loaves establishments – he was handpicked to jot down Jesus' teachings: The skilled writer and scribe, Matthew the Apostle, is best known for documenting Jesus' teachings in the Gospel of Matthew, showcasing his literary talents for generations to come.
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Levi-athan Name Switch

5. Levi-athan Name Switch

Before becoming a disciple, Matthew was pretty much in the "Levi's" of tax collection, and boy, did his job title make a Levi-athan switch: Matthew the Apostle, originally known as Levi, transformed from a tax collector to one of the twelve apostles when Jesus called upon him. As an integral part of the early Christian movement and the supposed author of the Gospel of Matthew, his journey proves even the most humble beginnings can lead to a divine destination.
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6. LinkedIn Name Change

Imagine Jesus sprucing up your LinkedIn profile with a name change: Voilà, Matthew the Apostle might have gotten a new title, possibly "Mattija," meaning "gift of Iaveh," from the Big J.C. himself! No wonder he became the OG influencer in the Christian community, leaving his tax-collecting gig behind. Though scholarly debates still ponder if it was a divine rebrand or merely a multi-cultural Matt rocking both Greek ("Matthew") and Hebrew ("Levi") names, one thing's for sure: a name change in the Bible often signifies a heavenly upgrade with a brand new mission from the Almighty.
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7. Pioneering Reparations

Before the phrase "I gave at the office" was ever spoken, ol' Saint Matthew pioneered the practice of reparations: A former tax collector turned apostle, he repaid anyone he had cheated, distributed his remaining possessions to the needy, and then gallivanted off to Syria, Persia, and other non-Ethiopian lands to spread the cheery news of the Gospel. The cherry on the martyrdom sundae was his fiery finale in Ethiopia, resulting in a miraculously converted ruler and a trailblazing legacy.
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8. Cathedral of Salerno

Before he was casting out demons as a disciple of Jesus, Matthew the Apostle doubled as an ancient IRS agent with a heart of gold: This former tax collector's final resting place is believed to be the Cathedral of Salerno, a stunning structure adorned with a 56-meter-high bell tower and mixing Norman, Byzantine, and Romanesque architectural styles, housing Gothic statues, sepulchres of historical figures, ancient Roman sarcophagi, and frescoes by Belisario Corenzio inspired by none other than the Gospel of Matthew itself.
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9. Switching Careers Like a Champ

From taxing the masses to fishing for lost souls, ol' Matty knew how to switch careers like a champ: St. Matthew the Apostle went from a tax collector to one of Jesus' trusted disciples and got himself commemorated as a saint in various Christian denominations like Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, and Anglican churches, even scoring different feast days and a tomb in Southern Italy's Salerno Cathedral!
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Wesley Snipes of Biblical Times

10. Wesley Snipes of Biblical Times

Before he became a saintly scribe, Matthew was a real tax man's man; perhaps the Wesley Snipes of biblical times: As one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, formerly known as Levi, he went from being a despised tax collector to penning the first Gospel in the New Testament – the Gospel of Matthew – which focuses on Jesus' teachings about righteousness and justice, making his transformation as epic as a Hollywood blockbuster.
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11. From Tax Booth to Gospel Truth

Before he started "saving" in the name of Jesus, he had quite a taxing job on his hands: Matthew the apostle was employed as a tax collector before embracing his spiritual path as a disciple and penning the Gospel of Matthew, which narrates his encounter with Jesus right at his tax booth workplace.
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12. Humble Fisherman Transformation

Before rocking the "humble fishermen" look, Matthew the Apostle was the original "tax collector-takes-on-the-world" in a divine adventure: Once a tax collector, Matthew (also known as Levi) joined Jesus and the other Apostles, recording their journeys and teachings in the Gospel of Matthew before taking his show on the road and preaching in Ethiopia.
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13. Winged Man and Matthew

Imagine if Matthew the Apostle's profile picture included a winged man photobombing him: this amusing imagery is because, in Christian art, Matthew is often depicted alongside a winged man or angel. St. Jerome linked this angelic association to the focus on Jesus' human ancestry found in Matthew's Gospel while interpreting the Tetramorph images in the Bible.
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14. Leaving the 9-to-5 Grind

From tax man to holy man, Matthew ditched the 9-to-5 grind and the cash register for a higher purpose: Also known as Levi, Matthew was a tax collector before Jesus strolled by his booth and said "Follow me," prompting him to leave behind his worldly possessions and become one of the twelve apostles.
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