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Discover the Top 4 Fun Facts About Knights: Intriguing Secrets from the Medieval Era!

illustration of knights
Dive into the world of chivalry and chainmail as you discover some fascinating and lesser-known fun facts about knights of yore!

1. Knight's Potty Break Assistance

When nature called upon our medieval heroes, their search for a hidden zipper or snap button was futile: Knights in the late 13th and early 14th century actually required the aid of their squires to lift or remove the rear culet of their armor in order to use the restroom, all while wearing a suit of armor weighing only 30 to 35 kilograms, or 66 to 77 pounds, distributed evenly over their body – no Labrador retrievers need apply for this gig.
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2. Pricey Fashion Statement Armor

When knights hit the medieval mall, they weren't shopping for discounted chainmail and rusty second-hand swords: A full suit of high-quality plate armor in the Middle Ages cost as much as a small farm! In fact, historical sources suggest that a set of XV century plate armor would range from $8,000 to $40,000, with the price depending on factors like type, quality, place of manufacture, and decorative finishing. This custom-made armor, crafted by well-known armorers, wasn't just for protection – it was a status symbol, flaunted by high-ranking knights who undoubtedly enjoyed wearing their wealth on their (armored) sleeves.
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3. Medieval Dining Etiquette Lessons

Long before Emily Post was a glimmer in her great-great-grandfather's eye, knights dined like true medieval gents, even resisting the urge to give their ears a good swipe with the fancy cutlery: In the Middle Ages, knights were taught proper etiquette from "The Book of Courtesy" which stressed the importance of sitting correctly, avoiding belching, not chewing with their mouths open, and utilizing knives and spoons instead of hands at the dinner table. Forks, believe it or not, also made an appearance during lavish feasts!
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4. Knights' Wild Boar Barbecue Hunts

Before the saying "bringing home the bacon" got popular, knights in the medieval times loved themselves some good ol' vicious barbecue-on-the-run: They engaged in wild boar hunting, a treacherous sport involving horseback chases, dog pursuits, and the use of long spears to impale the beasts - all while avoiding their lethal, sharp tusks.
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