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Discover the Ivy League Charm: Top 8 Fun Facts About Cornell University You Never Knew!

illustration of cornell-university
Get ready to be a-maize-d as we husk open the cornucopia of quirky and fascinating tidbits about Cornell University!

1. Hogwarts Meets Cheers: Risley Residential College

If Hogwarts got into a crossover sitcom with Cheers, Risley Residential College would be that quirky, lovable character invented by the producers: Modeled after Hampton Court Palace, this enchanted-looking residence at Cornell University houses students with shared creative interests, boasts unique features like turrets and secret stairwells, and even has its own fully student-operated theater hall, all set within an atmosphere often tinged with whispers of ghostly apparitions and exclusive gaming groups.
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2. Furry Football Fandom: Touchdown the Bear

Bear with us as we recount a furry tale of football fandom at Cornell University: Starting in 1915, their live bear mascot, Touchdown, charmed crowds at games, inspiring multiple successors and even an unsanctioned prank revival in 1939, as detailed in John H. Foote's '74 book, "Touchdown: The Story of the Cornell Bear".
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3. Nobel Prize Fever at Cornell

Eureka moment or serious Stockholm syndrome? Cornell University nobly wrestles with a peculiar addiction to those shiny, round Nobel medals: Boasting over 50 affiliated alumni and faculty members who have snagged the prestigious Nobel Prize in diverse fields, Cornell sure seems to have cracked the code for excelling in physics, chemistry, literature, and economics.
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4. Birthplace of the Ice Cream Sundae

Who needs a cherry on top when you can have an entire university? Ithaca, home to Cornell University, proudly wears the title of "Birthplace of the Ice Cream Sundae": Invented in 1892 by local pharmacist Chester Platt, the tantalizing treat was originally served in a crystal champagne saucer with gourmet cherry syrup and a French candied cherry. Today, visitors can pay homage to the spot where Platt's Pharmacy once stood and relish a sundae in the very city that sweetened the world of frozen desserts.
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Quidditch Magic Comes Alive

5. Quidditch Magic Comes Alive

Where muggles become wizards and broomsticks come to life: Cornell University's Quidditch team unites a diverse array of students who bond over their love for the wizarding sport, hosting weekly practices and game nights while spreading the magic of Harry Potter every step, or rather, every flight of the way.
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6. Martian Marvel: Cornell's Mars Rover Model

From Martians seeking higher education to interplanetary playdates at the Smithsonian: Cornell University students built a full-scale model of NASA's Mars Rover "Opportunity," which was displayed at the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. and the U.S. Pavillion during the 2020 World Expo in Dubai. The exhibit, now open to us Earthlings at the American Center in the U.S. Consulate General Chennai, boasts interactive activities revolving around the rover and the wonders of space exploration.
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7. Early Birds Rule the Roost: Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Who says the early bird only catches the worm? At Cornell University, they catch the entire avian world by the tail: Home to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the university boasts a top-tier organization dedicated to researching, conserving, and ruffling the feathers of knowledge about our fine-feathered friends, complete with an extensive archive of bird sounds and imagery.
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8. Pokémon Mania Hits Campus

When Charmanders and Pikachu take mortarboard-marching breaks and settle their academic rivalries with electrifyingly intense battles: Cornell University hosts a Pokémon event every February 27th, featuring themed cocktails, merchandise, raffles with outlandishly huge plush prizes, and a free lure program to assist trainers in catching new team members.
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