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Discover the Unexpected: Top 10 Astonishing Paris Fun Facts for 2022

illustration of 2022
Get ready to have your mind blown as we dive into a treasure trove of astonishing, entertaining, and downright intriguing fun facts about the rollercoaster year that is 2022!

1. Moon Unites Nations in Artemis Accords

In a worldly game of "follow the leader," 24 countries and one territory have joined hands with NASA to ensure the Moon becomes humankind's interstellar playground: The 2022 Artemis Accords mark a crucial step in the Artemis program, which aims to establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon, pave the way for human missions to Mars, and unite the realm of space exploration aficionados across the globe.
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2. COVID-Sniffing Dogs in California Schools

In a tail-wagging twist on the classic game of hide-and-seek, canines in the Golden State have been sniffing out a foe much smaller than your average buried bone: COVID-19! These four-legged viral detectives embarked on a noble quest in the realm of public health: In 2022, California's Department of Public Health sponsored a program that trained scent-trained dogs to detect COVID-19 in schools with over 95% sensitivity and specificity after two months of training. Their incredible sniffing abilities helped identify 85 infections in pilot tests across 27 schools, paving the way for a future where wet noses are on the frontline against this pesky virus.
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3. Giant Radio Telescope: The Cosmic Eavesdropper

Get ready for the ultimate cosmic eavesdropper, the nosy neighbor of the universe: The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) – the largest and most sensitive radio telescope – has begun construction after 30 years of planning. With a whopping $3 billion price tag, the international project brings researchers from 14 countries together to spy on the skies 10,000 times faster than ever before. So, whether it's finding E.T.'s house party or mapping hydrogen's hideouts, this intergalactic peeping Tom will have its all-seeing eyes on everything from the origins of cosmic magnetism to the distribution of cosmic party favors!
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4. Skyrocketing Cybercrime Costs

Hold on to your digital hats, folks! The cybercrime superhighway is about to put the Fast and the Furious to shame, and we're not just talking about Vin Diesel's bald head catching some serious air: By 2025, global cybercrime costs are expected to skyrocket to an eye-watering $10.5 trillion USD annually, marking a jaw-dropping increase from the estimated $6 trillion USD in 2021 and setting the spectacularly unfortunate record for the greatest transfer of economic wealth in human history.
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El Salvador's Bumpy Bitcoin Journey

5. El Salvador's Bumpy Bitcoin Journey

In an exciting game of "Bitcoin, Chivo Wallets, and El Salvador's Economy," Salvadorans voted for Door Number One, sticking to good old cash, with Door Number Two struggling to find its big break: In 2022, El Salvador made history by becoming the first country to make bitcoin legal tender; however, despite the government's efforts to incentivize bitcoin use through the Chivo Wallet app and offering $30 in free bitcoin, the Salvadoran masses have yet to welcome the cryptocurrency with open arms, as most still prefer cash and a mere portion of firms accept bitcoin as payment.
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6. SpaceX's Asteroid Mission Delayed

Houston, we have a software problem: Due to pesky code testing issues, SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket has to snooze on its galactic errand to carry NASA's Psyche mission to a metallic asteroid, bumping the space voyage from 2022 to possibly 2023 or 2024. This planetary rain check extends the cruising time and slaps an extra $100 million bill on NASA's cosmic tab, potentially stalling other payloads on Falcon Heavy's 2022 launch schedule.
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7. Miami: The New Silicon Beach

Forget silicon swimsuits and sunshine board meetings: Miami is quickly becoming a top contender as the next tech hub in the US! With an influx of nearly 50,000 people from Silicon Valley since April 2020, companies like Microsoft and Spotify setting up offices, and Bitcoin conferences gracing its sunny shores, Miami's irresistible mix of affordable living, tropical climate, and venture capital goodness is proving quite the catch for the tech industry.
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8. Axiom Space's ISS Dinner Party

Houston, we have a dinner reservation: In 2022, Axiom Space is launching four astronauts on a second all-private mission to the International Space Station, where they'll wine and dine while conducting over 20 groundbreaking experiments, including fighting cancer with tumor organoids, messing with the weather, and enhancing life both in orbit and back on Earth.
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9. Edible Insects: The New Gym Snack

Move over, protein shakes – there's a new gym snack in town, and it's got six legs and an exoskeleton: In 2022, the global market for edible insects is set to hit $1.6 billion by 2027 in the U.S. alone, with North America driving the trend towards these sustainable, environmentally-friendly creepy crawlies that produce fewer greenhouse gases and use less water and land than traditional livestock.
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Bezos' Out-of-This-World Joyrides

10. Bezos' Out-of-This-World Joyrides

Ready to mingle among the stars while emptying your wallet? Pack your cosmic bags, because Jeff Bezos' space venture is ready to shoot: Blue Origin plans to offer sub-orbital space flights for thrill-seekers and big spenders with their New Shepard rocket, possibly costing between $200,000 and $300,000 per ticket. Let the astronaut debauchery begin!
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