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Top 7 William Howard Taft Fun Facts: Surprising Insights into the 27th US President

illustration of william-howard-taft
Dive into the fascinating world of William Howard Taft, the larger-than-life president with an equally grand collection of quirky anecdotes and entertaining trivia!

1. Heaviest U.S. President

When he wasn't busy tipping the scales of justice, President Taft was tipping actual scales: William Howard Taft was the heaviest U.S. president, with his weight fluctuating between 255 and over 350 pounds during his tenure.
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2. Custom-Made Bathtub

Once upon a time in a tub far, far away, a larger-than-life president found himself in a slippery situation: William Howard Taft, famed for his substantial size, had a custom-made bathtub installed in the White House to accommodate his impressive proportions. Though he attempted to shed some pounds through a diet plan with a British doctor in 1904, it wasn't until post-presidency that he successfully lost 70 pounds, weighing in at a svelte 270.8 pounds, thanks to a new diet and exercise regimen under the guidance of another physician.
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3. Baseball Fan with a Big Tub

Belly up to the bar, sports fans: William Howard Taft, a true baseball aficionado, tipped the scales at over 300 pounds during his presidency and found himself in a tight squeeze with the White House bathtub. His solution? A presidential order for a monstrous tub to be installed, sparing his cheeks further embarrassment.
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4. First Golf-Loving President

While some may believe the ultimate golf enthusiast holds office today, they'd be teed off to know that William Howard Taft was the true "hole-in-chief": Taft was the first US president to openly express his love for golf, frequently playing in public, potentially setting a record at the Kebo Valley Golf Club's 17th hole, though without any political motivation tied to his swings.
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Busting the Bathtub Myth

5. Busting the Bathtub Myth

In attempts to dispel the myth that he was a bubble-encased Hydrophilic Hercules, battling slippery sidewalls to emerge victorious from a porcelain demon: William Howard Taft did not, contrary to popular belief, get stuck in a White House bathtub; rather, the colossal commander-in-chief had a bespoke tub installed prior to his tenure, effectively thwarting the rumors of tub-bound entrapment and solidifying his status as a Dryland Dweller and leader of the free world.
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6. Presidential Weight Loss

Tipping the scales like a heavyweight title fight, William Howard Taft went head-to-head with his own waistline in the highest office: As the heaviest U.S. president, Taft weighed in at a whopping 354 pounds, but managed to shed 70 pounds during his tenure by following a low-carb diet, constantly battling his weight throughout his life.
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7. President & Chief Justice Superhero

Move over, Marvel: there's a new superhero in town, and his name is Double Duty Taft! Known for his iron-willed determination to just-ice, there's more than meets the eye to this presidential powerhouse: William Howard Taft is the only person in US history to serve as both the 27th President (1909) and the tenth Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (1921-1930), truly bringing new meaning to the term "branch hopping."
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