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9 Surprising Fun Facts About LDS Prophets and Apostles You Never Knew

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Get ready to be enlightened and entertained as we delve into some surprising, amusing, and lesser-known fun facts about LDS prophets and apostles!

1. Joseph Smith's Saintly Siblings

You might say Joseph Smith's family tree was a veritable "Saints Row" of siblings: The founder of the Latter Day Saint movement and Mormonism had a whopping ten brothers and sisters, with parents Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith making sure no one ever got lonely in their household.
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2. 70 Years of Clean-Shaven Prophets

In an uprising of well-groomed whiskers, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints went beardless: The last Mormon prophet to sport facial hair was George Albert Smith in 1951, and David O. McKay initiated the clean-shaven legacy with Joseph Smith being the only exception, leaving a smooth-cheeked lineage over 70 years long.
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3. Heber J. Grant's Plural Marriage U-turn

If you thought Sister Wives had it all, wait till you hear about our man Heber J. Grant: He was the last prophet to practice plural marriage, but held the reins firmly when it came to discontinuing the practice and ensuring the Church stayed true to the new policy.
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4. Ezra Taft Benson: The Prophet Scoutmaster

Who knew that the prophet who led an entire flock had a penchant for earning badges too? From divine inspiration to knot-tying dedication: Ezra Taft Benson, the 13th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was an ardent Boy Scout and even shared some campfire wisdom with youngsters at the 1977 National Scout Jamboree.
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David O. McKay: Energizer Bunny of Faith

5. David O. McKay: Energizer Bunny of Faith

If longevity were an Olympic sport, David O. McKay would have grabbed the gold with both hands: Serving as a general authority in the LDS Church for a whopping 64 years, he was an apostle for over 63 of those years (from 1906 until 1970), and the ninth president of the church for 19 years (from 1951 until his death). So like an Energizer Bunny of faith, he just kept going and going!
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6. Richard G. Scott's Nuclear Engineering Adventures

Before he wielded the power of revelation, he was harnessing the powers of nuclear energy: Elder Richard G. Scott had a fascinating career as a nuclear engineer and mission president in Argentina, having worked on developing the first nuclear-powered submarine, the Nautilus, and the Shippingport Atomic Power Station, the world's first commercial land-based nuclear power plant.
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7. James E. Talmage: Apostle Cyclist

Biking for divine inspiration: Elder James E. Talmage, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, not only penned revered religious writings but also deftly tackled the streets on his chain-driven bicycle - even persevering through blood, bruises and dirt until he finally mastered riding across a narrow single-plank bridge near his home.
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8. Russell M. Nelson: The Heartthrob Surgeon

Who needs McDreamy when you have a real-life heartthrob legend on your side: Russell M. Nelson, the current President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was once the president of the Society for Vascular Surgery and the Utah Medical Association, a researcher behind the heart-lung machine that propelled the first human open-heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass, and a phenomenal surgeon, having successfully completed nearly 7,000 surgeries before his divine career shift as an LDS apostle!
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9. Dieter F. Uchtdorf: High-Flying Apostle Humorist

Ready for takeoff with a first-class sense of humor: Dieter F. Uchtdorf, a member of the LDS Church's Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, soared from fighter pilot for the German and US air forces to piloting Lufthansa airlines as an executive, before landing as the first German apostle in church history and the first apostle born outside of North America since 1952.
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