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Top 15 Divine Delights: Unveiling Fun and Fascinating Facts about Jesus

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Dive into the lesser-known side of the man who walked on water: explore these fun facts about Jesus that will turn your water into a sparkling conversation starter!

1. Jesus Plays Water Polo

Why did Jesus refuse to play water polo in the Sea of Galilee? He couldn't stop stepping on the ball, of course! The serious reveal: According to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John, Jesus showcased his divine powers by walking on water during a storm, demonstrating both his miraculous abilities and the importance of faith and trust amongst his apostles.
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2. Jesus' Game of Thrones Family

In a true "family tree meets Game of Thrones" mashup, Jesus might just have you beat when it comes to complicated lineages and battle for the throne: His genealogy traces back to well-known figures such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jesse, with both his parents descending from King David himself. Plus, Matthew's version even features a cameo by four fierce ladies - Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba - unlike conventional Hebrew genealogy.
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3. Author BFF Humblebrag

You know that one friend who never misses a chance to brag about how tight they are with the coolest person in the group? Well, the Gospel of John's author had a similar humblebrag about his BFF, Jesus: This disciple referred to himself as "the one whom Jesus loved" five times in the text, emphasizing the significance of Christ's love and his VIP status among Jesus' crew.
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4. Jesus the Divine Chiropractor

Laying the "paralysis" on thick: In an ancient masterclass in divine chiropractics, Jesus helped a man go from being stuck in the "limbo" to dancing around in joy. The serious reveal: The Gospel of Mark in the Bible tells the story of Jesus healing a paralyzed man, showcasing his miraculous abilities and compassion for those in need.
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Jesus' Sibling Squad

5. Jesus' Sibling Squad

Here's some holy sibling rivalry for you: the original "brother from another mother" might have actually had a squad of blood-related bros and sisters! The serious reveal: According to Mark 6:3, Jesus had four brothers named James, Joses, Judas, and Simon, along with unnamed sisters, giving him quite the family entourage beyond his heavenly teachings and divine miracles.
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6. Wise Men's Royal Bamboozle

Did you ever hear the one about the wise men who managed a royal bamboozle? Their shenanigans put Bethlehem on the map! The punchline: Jesus' birth is estimated to have been around 5 or 6 BC because of King Herod's furious attempt to find and kill him. This led to the brutal Massacre of the Innocents, as Herod killed all male infants under the age of two, and indicates that Jesus was born during the latter part of Herod's reign.
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7. Savior Crossing the Road

Why did the Savior cross the road?: To fulfill the ancient Hebrew Scriptures' third-day design pattern, showcased in the creation narrative of Genesis, Abraham's test, and the Israelites at Sinai – Jesus' resurrection on the third day symbolizes God creating new life and activating his covenant with humanity!
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8. Jesus' Impromptu TED Talk

Little did they know that their preteen's disappearance would turn into an impromptu TED Talk: During a family trip to Jerusalem for Passover when Jesus was just 12 years old, he managed to wander away from his parents and ended up having a deep and intellectually stimulating convo with the temple elders, leaving them absolutely gobsmacked by young Jesus' wisdom.
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9. Dr. Jesus, Ultimate Healer

Feeling a little under the weather, looking for a doctor who packs a biblical punch? How about Dr. Jesus, the ultimate healer: He once cured a man of leprosy with just a touch, as recounted in Luke 5:12-16, instantly restoring him to health!
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Jesus' Multitude of Monikers

10. Jesus' Multitude of Monikers

When it comes to names, Jesus was no one-trick pony: He's known by a whole slew of monikers in the Bible, including but not limited to Yeshua, Teacher, Rabbi, Master, Brother, Friend, Christ, Messiah, Holy Anointed One, Redeemer, Deliverer, and even the Author and Finisher of our faith. Talk about having an identity crisis, eh?
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11. Jesus' Grand Comeback

Breaking news from the first-century tabloid: Jesus has a flair for the dramatic and promises a grand comeback! And you thought the unexpected plot twists were exclusive to modern TV shows: In Revelation 22:20, Jesus himself stated, "Surely I am coming soon." Christians all over the world continue to anticipate this highly anticipated sequel, also known as the Second Coming.
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12. Teen Mom Mary

Who needs "16 and Pregnant" when you've got the mother of all maternity tales – literally: Mary, the mother of Jesus, was most likely a teenager when she gave birth, as young marriage was customary in Jewish culture at the time, but the New Testament doesn't document her exact age.
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13. Jesus' GPS-Free Worship

Who needs a GPS when you've got Jesus: During a pit stop at Jacob's Well, Jesus bumped into a Samaritan woman and not only tossed aside social norms like they were going out of style, but also blew her mind with the offer of "living water" - aka the Holy Spirit's eternal life-giving powers. This divine chat led to a revelation that true worshippers could one day whip out their praise and worship anywhere "in spirit and truth," breaking the location barrier of worship, and gaining Jesus a solid fanbase among the Samaritans.
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14. Jesus' Original Energy Drink

Who needs a Red Bull when you've got Jesus' cloak? The original energy drink, now with miraculous healing powers: In the synoptic gospels, Jesus healed a woman who had been suffering from chronic bleeding for twelve years just by having her touch the fringe of his cloak - an action that not only cured her ailment, but allowed her to reintegrate into the community after years of isolation due to Jewish laws.
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Jesus' Bread and Wine Metaphor

15. Jesus' Bread and Wine Metaphor

Did you know that Jesus had his own take on "food for thought" and "whining about life"? No, really: The bread and wine used in the Eucharist symbolize the body and blood of Christ, with bread representing the words of God that we "eat," and wine signifying teaching and the covenant of forgiveness.
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