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Discover the Uncharted: Top 10 Fun and Fascinating Facts about Ferdinand Magellan!

illustration of ferdinand-magellan
Dive into the uncharted waters of history as we explore some fascinating and lesser-known tidbits about the intrepid explorer, Ferdinand Magellan!

1. Astrolabe Adventure

Before he was sipping Mai Tais and singing "Kokomo," Magellan was making history, and he didn't even need the Beach Boys to have a good time: Ferdinand Magellan's maiden voyage around the world in the 16th century took place a mere half-century before the creation of an extravagant astrolabe, used for various astronomical calculations and seen as a status symbol among its owners, that the Toledo Museum of Art purchased in 1954 for $6,500 and is now being returned to Germany's Gotha Museum after its rightful provenance was established.
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2. Happy Accident Strait

You know that feeling when you take a wrong turn and accidentally stumble upon the perfect shortcut to your destination? Old pal Ferdinand Magellan sure knew how to take that to a whole new level: His discovery of the Strait of Magellan was, in fact, a happy accident while he was searching for a westward route to the Spice Islands, and it turned out to be a critical and safer sea route for future explorers.
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3. Magellan and Enrique: Dynamic Duo

You can call him "Magellan the Mapman" and his trusty sidekick, "Enrique the Explorer": Ferdinand Magellan, the renowned mapmaker and navigator, actually had a native servant named Enrique who played a vital role in Magellan's journeys as a translator and negotiator with local tribes. This dynamic duo may have even sailed to the Spice Islands together, making Enrique one of the first indigenous people to circumnavigate the globe.
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4. Magellan: The Original Avenger

Who needs Marvel superheroes when you have a 16th-century Portuguese explorer packing a punch? Ferdinand Magellan was the 'Captain America' of his time: rescuing his buddy Francisco Serrão and fellow explorers from a treacherous conspiracy in Malacca, risking his own life and earning the title of the original Avenger.
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Earth's Auto-Reply Text

5. Earth's Auto-Reply Text

If the Earth could text as you circle it, it might send you an auto-reply saying "OMG! Stop circumnavigating me already!" : Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition to sail around our big, round world, traveling over 42,000 nautical miles in three years, and though he didn't survive the entire journey, his crew finished the job, proving the Earth was not only round but much larger than people had previously assumed.
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6. The Ship That Could've Been

Ahoy, mateys! Like a ship passing in the night, ol' Ferdinand Magellan's finest flagship, the Trinidad, missed out on the big accolade of circumnavigating the globe: It was the Victoria – a veritable Beyoncé of ships – that pirouetted around the world under the watch of Juan Sebastián de Elcano, after Magellan met his maker in the Philippines. The Trinidad? Captured by the Portuguese and lost in a storm, while the lesser-known ships waved bon voyage and sailed off into obscurity.
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7. Sizing Up the Earth

Before Christopher Columbus was downgraded to a Spherical Earth's #influencer, there was Ferdinand Magellan - a size-conscious explorer with a penchant for adventure: His world-circling frolic revealed that our planet was much larger than Europeans had previously estimated, thus setting the stage for a more accurate global sizing up, and sending the mapmakers back to the drawing board!
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8. Enrique's Circumnavigation Claim

Well, isn't that just a Magellanic mess: While Ferdinand Magellan is often credited with being the first to circumnavigate the globe, it turns out his slave, Enrique, truly deserves the round-the-world applause! You see, Magellan actually traversed the planet in two different directions, leaving his straight-line glory to Enrique who completed the journey from point A to point A, ten years later on the armada's westward route.
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9. Magellan's Reality Show Voyage

Who needs GPS when you've got a fearless captain and a seriously unruly crew? Magellan's band of troublesome sailors and curious navigators zigzagged their way around the globe in a voyage that could give any modern-day reality show a run for its money: In the wildly dramatic and historic trek, Ferdinand Magellan and his motley crew embarked on the first-ever circumnavigation of the Earth, along the way battling mutiny, diseases, and a tragically fatal quest to convert indigenous people in the Philippines before the unassuming Juan Sebastián Elcano steered them to victory.
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The Name Game: Strait of Magellan

10. The Name Game: Strait of Magellan

Strait outta Todos los Santos: Did you know that Ferdinand Magellan originally named the Strait of Magellan as "Todos los Santos" after crossing it on All Saints' Day? The Spanish King, Emperor Charles V, later renamed the passage in honor of Magellan's triumph as the first European sailor to tackle those wild waters, securing his spot in maritime history as a true pathfinder.
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