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Discover the Unexpected: Top 8 Fun Facts About Chester A. Arthur You Never Knew

illustration of chester-a-arthur
Dive into the fascinating world of Chester A. Arthur, the top-hat-wearing, facial hair championing, 21st President of the United States, whose intriguing life deserves more than just a whisker of attention.

1. Dapper Presidential Wardrobe

Outfitting the Oval Office with a side of dapper dandyism: Chester A. Arthur, known for his extravagant fashion sense, often flaunted stylish clothes and posh top hats during his presidential reign, yet no records indicate a bearded ensemble as part of his luxurious wardrobe.
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2. Pants Collection Extraordinaire

With a collection that would make any fashionista green with envy, Mr. Chester A. Arthur's pants parade knew no bounds: Priding himself on his lavish tastes, the 21st President of the United States was said to have owned over 80 pairs of trousers, even attempting to prevent repeats for an entire month, although there's no concrete proof supporting the latter claim.
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3. White House Tiffany Makeover

When life gives you Louis Comfort Tiffany, make a lemonade of White House décor: In 1882, widower President Chester A. Arthur defied tradition by personally hiring the famed interior designer to spruce up the State apartments, including the Blue Room, East Room, Red Room, and the connecting hall—topping it off with a patriotic, floor-to-ceiling glass screen that stood its ground until 1902's grand renovation.
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4. The Devil Wears Prada President

If the phrase "The Devil wears Prada" ever needed a poster boy, it might have been Chester A. Arthur: our 21st president was a true fashionista with an impressive collection of over 80 pairs of pants, changing them multiple times a day to maintain his dapper appearance, and even extending his sartorial flair to his dining habits, relishing gourmet meals with a pomp and splendor that would leave Mr. Gatsby green with envy.
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Elegant Arthur's White House

5. Elegant Arthur's White House

Being the president of the United States can be quite fashionable – literally: Chester A. Arthur was notorious for his splendid wardrobe choices and even had the White House redesigned to match his love for elegance. As "Elegant Arthur," he sported posh suits and spruced up the White House with quirky additions like a flower-shaped table that rotated and a vibrant mockingbird mural on the ceiling of the Diplomatic Reception Room.
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6. Presidential Runway Fashion

Before "dress for success" was a mantra, Chester A. Arthur rocked the presidential runway like a boss: This 21st President of the United States was a true fashionista, boasting custom-made suits, extravagant vests, and an impressive collection of 80 different pairs of pants that would make even today's celebrities envious, all while maintaining a private and reserved demeanor in public appearances.
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7. Chet the Civil Service Advocate

Who needs House of Cards when you've got Chet the Civil Service Advocate: Chester A. Arthur, 21st president of the United States, championed and enforced the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, laying the groundwork for the professional civil service system we know today, all while being a Stalwart in the Republican Party.
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8. Campaigning with Style and Substance

Who says politicians don't put their money where their mouth is? Chester A. Arthur scaled a whole new level of "put up or shut up" antics during the 1880 elections: He campaigned vigorously as James A. Garfield's Vice Presidential running mate, organizing massive meetings, leading Grant and Conkling's tours in the Middle West, and even extracting a 3% "contribution" from city, state, and federal employees' annual salaries as New York State Republican Committee chairman – firmly debunking the myth that he accidentally stumbled upon the presidency.
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