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Uncover the Secrets: Top 11 Fun Facts About UC Berkeley You Never Knew!

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Dive into the fascinating world of UC Berkeley with these quirky and intriguing fun facts that will surely leave you saying, "Go Bears!"

1. TARDIS-like Library

Whoever said you can't judge a book by its cover clearly hasn't been to UC Berkeley Library – it's like the TARDIS of bookish delights, infinitely larger on the inside and packed with more than just literary gems: This magnificent building is a treasure trove for students and scholars alike, housing everything from historical documents to digital masterpieces, while also serving as a hallowed space for intellectual discourse and worldwide information exchange.
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2. Game of Thrones: Football Edition

In an alternative Game of Thrones, where the Iron Throne has fallen to budget constraints and is replaced by a Stanford Axe, two university football teams have been battling it out for over a century: Behold the rivalry between California Golden Bears and Stanford Cardinal! The saga began in 1892, and still stands strong today as one of the oldest college football rivalries in the United States, with an ever-entertaining history of stolen Axes and mind-blowing plays such as Cal's unbelievable 1982 victory known as "The Play".
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3. Sushi Burritos Unwrapped

Roll out the nori carpet and let your tastebuds tango with a tantalizing twist on a traditional favorite: Sushi Secrets in Berkeley offers customizable sushi burritos, speedy service, and budget-friendly prices on Shattuck Avenue for an unforgettably delicious experience.
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4. Sky-High Campus Views

Get ready to elevate your spirits, and we're not talking about happy hour drinks: UC Berkeley boasts picturesque vantage points like Indian Rock Park, Lawrence Hall of Science, and the towering 307-foot Campanile (Sather Tower), blessing students and visitors with awe-inspiring views of the San Francisco Bay.
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Berkeley's Space Sentries

5. Berkeley's Space Sentries

Knock, knock! Who's there? Berkeley. Berkeley who? Berkeley, the space sentries, playing hide and seek with celestial bodies since the dawn of the Space Age: UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory has contributed to over 50 NASA missions, delving into matters as diverse as solar exploration and extraterrestrial communication, and boasting a workforce of over 250 dedicated researchers and top-notch equipment.
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6. Feathered Speedsters on Campus

Who needs a stork when you've got speed demons on the clock? UC Berkeley keeps it trendy with a dose of #nerdcuteness: Home to a pair of Peregrine Falcons nesting at the top of the Campanile clock tower, the university monitors their daily shenanigans via live webcams and Instagram while ensuring their cozy nest remains undisturbed.
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7. Oski the Bear's Furry Secrets

Bear with me here: While the roaring '40s saw Oski the Bear charming Cal's campus, he was just the latest in a long line of hairy, huggable mascots, even if he was the first without a pulse! Seriously, though: Before Oski made his debut at a freshman rally in the Greek Theatre in 1941, real live bears were the go-to symbol for the California Golden Bears, but from 1946 onward, a special committee took charge of Oski's antics and portrayal, making sure his true identity remains a bear-y secret to this day.
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8. Berkeley's Underground

Move over, Harry Potter and his magical Hogwarts: UC Berkeley has a 3.5-mile network of steam tunnels veined beneath the campus grounds! Originally built to transport steam from the Heating Plant on Cross Campus Road, these subterranean passageways distribute electricity and heat to various buildings, while also housing conduits for cables and electrical wiring. Just don't go looking for secret chambers or hidden treasures - they're strictly off-limits due to safety concerns like high temperatures, moisture, and asbestos.
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9. Element Matchmakers

When elements went looking for their ultimate matchmaker, they found their way to UC Berkeley: Home to the discovery of a whopping 16 elements in the Periodic Table, more than any other university in the world! Here, they cooked up compounds like Californium and Plutonium, which now fuel nuclear reactors and cancer treatments. Let's not forget to tip our hats to faculty members like Ernest Lawrence, whose cyclotron won him a Nobel Prize, and propelled nuclear science into dizzying new heights.
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The Artful Approval Process

10. The Artful Approval Process

Don't go thinking you can just waltz into UC Berkeley and plop down a Picasso or prop up a Warhol outdoors without permission; the university high-steppers have a process to cha-cha through: Outdoor art installations must undergo a rigorous review, which includes consulting planning departments, presenting to the Space and Capital Improvements Committee (SACI), establishing an expert subcommittee, and getting the Chancellor's approval, all while abiding by campus policies and suitable locations.
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11. Zero-Energy School Superstars

Who needs a flux capacitor when you've got a zero-energy school? Great Scott! UC Berkeley's Center for the Built Environment has deemed Discovery Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia streets ahead in the sustainability game: The institution is one of the first certified zero-energy schools in the United States, having achieved this environmental milestone within a standard school budget and without resorting to power purchase agreements common to photovoltaic systems. Future generations, eat your eco-friendly hearts out!
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