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Discover the Top 11 Engaging Fun Facts about the Golden Gate Bridge!

illustration of the-golden-gate-bridge
Dive into the fascinating world of the Golden Gate Bridge and uncover the hidden gems that make this iconic landmark an engineering marvel with our captivating collection of fun facts!

1. International Orange Fashion Statement

Whoever said orange is the new black must have been inspired by the Golden Gate Bridge: it turns out the bridge's iconic international orange color was chosen not just for aesthetics, but to blend in with the natural surroundings, as architect Irving Morrow went for a warm hue to contrast the cool colors of San Francisco Bay and the sky. Radical as it seemed back then, the color surprisingly wasn't meant to stand out in the fog – which is why the bridge often gets lost in it!
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2. Bridge's Groovy Rhythm

Hold on to your hats and shimmy like a swing dancer: the Golden Gate Bridge has a groovy rhythm of its own, exhibiting a fundamental transverse vibration mode that takes 20 seconds for one back-and-forth swing, and can even bow horizontally up to 27.7 feet (8.4 meters) in the center span during strong winds!
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3. Fog-Proof Color

When life gives you fog, make your bridge International Orange: The Golden Gate Bridge sports its signature hue not just for fashion, but to ensure visibility amid the area's infamous fog, with a zinc primer being the unsung hero of its anti-rust and anti-corrosion properties.
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4. Hard Hat Innovators

Get your head in the game—or the Bridge! Workers of the Golden Gate Bridge were real-life Bob the Builders with their snazzy "Bullard" hard hats: Thanks to innovative safety measures, such as their modified headgear, enforced by Chief Engineer Joseph Strauss, they boasted a lower fatality rate than other construction projects of similar magnitude.
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Halfway to Hell Club

5. Halfway to Hell Club

When members of the "Halfway to Hell Club" took their perilous plunge, they were caught in the middle of history – quite literally: The Golden Gate Bridge's ground-breaking safety measures set new standards, allowing 11 workers who accidentally fell into the safety net during construction to avoid fatal falls, though 11 others sadly perished throughout the project.
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6. The Skyline's Paint Master

Whoever thought of painting the skyline with a bold, flaming hue deserves a high-flying salute: Architect Irving Morrow chose the iconic "International Orange" color for the Golden Gate Bridge, not just for its eye-catching beauty, but also as a navigational safety measure for passing ships and planes. He dodged other options like the *puts on sunglasses* "too cool for school" black and yellow stripes suggested by the US Navy, and locked in on the now famously vibrant orange as the bridge's signature shade.
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7. Bird Party Central

Bird-brained party central: The Golden Gate Bridge plays host to a wild and diverse avian shindig, featuring over 250 species of birds, from fabulous falcons to partying pelicans and all their quirky feathered friends.
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8. Lassoing the Earth with Bridge Cables

If you've ever dreamt of lassoing the Earth like a cowboy from outer space, the Golden Gate Bridge might just be your partner in crime: The bridge's main cables consist of 27,572 wires each, compressed by a hydraulic press, and would stretch long enough to wrap around the Earth over three times if laid end to end.
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9. Knitting Club Stories

If you've ever felt tangled up in the never-ending stories of your great aunt's knitting club, you might relate to the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge: The main cables used were made up of 27,572 strands of wire, and within each of those strands were 278 individual wires, totaling 80,000 miles of wire – enough to circle the Earth more than three times!
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Hide-and-Seek with Fog

10. Hide-and-Seek with Fog

The Golden Gate Bridge: a beautiful marvel of engineering, where the sky is the limit but the fog? Not so much! This beloved landmark and its arches aren't immune to a game of hide-and-seek: the persistent fog poses a significant danger, as seen in 1901 when the steamer City of Rio de Janeiro sank in the fog, taking 128 lives; despite the bridge's lights, bells, buoys, and horns, the lifesaving crew stationed nearby could not reach the ship in time.
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11. Hollywood's Favorite Landmark

From superhero showdowns to alien invasions, the Golden Gate Bridge may just have one of the most dazzling résumés in Hollywood history, but don't mistake it for a mere stunt double: This iconic landmark has starred in numerous films such as "Superman," "Pacific Rim," and "Avengers: Endgame," appeared in TV shows like "Futurama" and "Charmed," and even played a role in video games like "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" and "Watch Dogs 2." If that wasn't enough, one can't forget its highly important stint as the legal ID for a former NBC affiliate in the San Francisco Bay Area.
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