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Discover the Top 12 Fun Facts About Sacré-Coeur: Paris' Majestic Basilica Unveiled

illustration of sacre-coeur
Get ready to have your mind blown with some surprising and delightful fun facts about the iconic Sacré-Cœur Basilica that you never knew you needed to know!

1. The Ultimate Parisian Panorama

If you think the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower is the crème de la crème of Parisian vistas, hold onto your berets and prepare to say, "Sacre bleu!" at the stunning sight higher up: The Sacré-Cœur Basilica, perched upon Montmartre's hill, offers mesmerizing 200-meter high panoramas of the City of Light, making it the second-most visited attraction in Paris, as it turns out, this architectural wonder is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but we'd hate to spoil the divine view just to pray.
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2. Grand Pipe Organ-Man Needs You!

Who knew that Sacré-Cœur has a secret superhero hiding within its walls - Grand Pipe Organ-Man! This often-overlooked, larger-than-life personality is known for breaking sound barriers and leaving crowds with wide-eyed wonder: Home to one of Europe's most magnificent grand pipe organs, the Sacré-Cœur boasts a national monument recognized in 1981 for its colossal size, exquisite craftsmanship, and unparalleled sound quality. However, even superheroes need some TLC, and the organ now requires restoration – donations are being accepted to help resurrect the melodic powers of Grand Pipe Organ-Man.
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3. Extreme Makeover: Holy Edition

If the Sacré-Cœur Basilica had been built on a popular game show, it would have been called "Extreme Makeover: Holy Edition" – complete with unstable foundations, 83 excavated wells, and a funding crisis causing delays that had people saying "Sacre bleu!": Surprisingly, after a tumultuous construction spanning more than four decades, the basilica now stands as the second most visited attraction in Paris, boasting heavenly views from its 200-meter-high dome above the Seine.
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4. Eternal Energizer Bunny of Prayer

Who knew the Sacré-Cœur Basilica could give the Energizer Bunny a run for its money with its non-stop devotion to the Holy Sacrament? A holy marathon to beat all others: Since August 1, 1885, perpetual adoration has been maintained within this sacred Parisian landmark, taking a break only on Good Friday — making it one of the longest-running endless prayer events in France and perhaps even in Europe.
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White Glow & Stone-Cold Beauty

5. White Glow & Stone-Cold Beauty

Feeling a bit "stone-cold" and craving a touch of divinely vibrant whiteness? Sacré-Cœur might just be your ultimate architectural muse: Made entirely from Château-Landon, a hard, fine-grained stone that oozes calcite upon contact with rainwater, this ethereal Basilica boasts its iconic white glow while sitting snugly atop Montmartre, thanks to its sturdy pillars and the clever utilization of the Souppes-sur-Loing quarry in Seine et Marne.
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6. Marvelous Montmartre Mosaics

Feeling mosaic-tastic in Montmartre: The Sacre Coeur Basilica boasts the world's largest apse mosaic, a whopping 475-square-meter tribute to Christ and French Saints that puts Pinterest peacocks to shame.
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7. Endless Adoration with Nuns & Bunny

What do nuns, a 135-year-old basilica, and the Energizer Bunny have in common? They just keep going and going: The Sacré-Coeur Basilica is known for its uninterrupted perpetual adoration for over 135 years, with nuns diligently maintaining the sacred tradition even during world events like WWI and the recent COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring there's always someone with Jesus in the sanctuary.
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8. Holding Montmartre Together

When the Sacré-Cœur says "I've got your back," it really means it: this monumental testament to divine construction literally holds up Montmartre with 38-meter deep pillars in 83 wells, supporting the otherwise fragile hill made of limestone and gypsum.
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9. Jesus Loves Epic Ceiling Art

Who knew that Jesus was a fan of ceiling artwork? Turns out he's got quite the epic "sky-ceiling" tribute up in Paris: The Sacré-Cœur Basilica boasts one of the largest mosaic ceilings in the world, covering 475 square meters, and features the magnificent "Mosaic of Christ in Glory." This masterpiece showcases Jesus, clad in white and showing off his golden sacred heart, surrounded by France's protective saints, including the Virgin Mary, Saint Michael, Saint Joan of Arc, and even "France" herself, offering her crown. Unveiled in 1923, this jaw-dropping sight continues to wow visitors to this day.
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Party Planner Basilica

10. Party Planner Basilica

Who would've guessed that the Sacré-Coeur basilica moonlights as a party planner, secretly donning a cultural events cap when no one's looking? A true revelrous soul amidst a divine façade: Sacré-Coeur not only doubles as a place of worship and tourist hotspot, but also grandly hosts a variety of cultural events such as concerts and exhibitions. Adventurous visitors can find themselves caught in the basilica's angelic web by checking the official website for event schedules and purchasing tickets in advance.
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11. Paris' Stairway to Heaven

If you're itching for a "stairway to heaven" experience, Paris has got you covered: For a mere 7 Euros, you can ascend the 300 steps to Sacre Coeur's central white dome, the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris, which also happens to be the city’s highest point and offers breathtaking views, while also commemorating fallen soldiers from the Franco-Prussian War and symbolizing spiritual renewal.
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12. Renoir's Artistic Montmartre Party

Before Renoir decided brushing his teeth was passé, he turned his attention to brushing up Montmartre's party scene in a masterpiece: Pierre-Auguste Renoir rented space at 12 Rue Cortot to create Bal du moulin de la Galette, which captured the vibrant Montmartre dance culture and is considered one of his greatest works; today, the site houses the Musée de Montmartre showcasing the area's artistic history.
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