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Discover the Top 8 Fascinating Fun Facts About Gallaudet University You Never Knew

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Dive into the fascinating world of Gallaudet University with these delightful tidbits that'll surely pique your curiosity and tickle your brain cells!

1. Walls that Sign

"If the walls of Gallaudet University could talk, they'd be signing!": This unique institution is the world's first advanced education hub for deaf and hard of hearing students, offering tailored programs and services while embracing bilingual learning through American Sign Language (ASL) and written English.
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2. Motion Light Lab Magic

Ever found yourself in a "lights, camera, action!" moment while casually pondering the mysteries of the universe? Because that's a typical day in the life of students at Gallaudet University's Motion Light Lab: a hub of creativity where breakthroughs in visual technology are made, fostering enhanced learning experiences through collaboration, research, and high-tech fun!
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3. Huddles and Desk-Nap Fighters

From the hallowed halls of education where sign language becomes a formidable weapon against boredom and impending desk naps, to the fierce battlegrounds of the football field where the huddle is not just a cozy get-together but a paradigm-shifting strategy: Gallaudet University is the only university worldwide specifically designed for deaf and hard of hearing students, boasting successful alumni like Robert R. Davila and I. King Jordan, and an innovative football team credited with bringing the huddle into the mainstream sports arena.
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4. Showstopping Bison Song

When bison break into a musical number, it's a sight you can't unsee: Gallaudet University has a traditional sports song called the Bison Song, performed since the 1960s entirely in American Sign Language, and even hosts an annual audition for ASL performers to entertain at games and events. The song was originally penned in English by a student in the Class of 1961, but the ASL performances have inspired other deaf schools to create their own percussion songs based on this unique Bison Song model.
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Bison Sports Domination

5. Bison Sports Domination

Who let the bison out? Bison roam the fields of higher education, scoring goals and slam dunking with intellectual finesse: Gallaudet University boasts seven men's and women's NCAA varsity teams, including basketball, volleyball, and soccer, competing in athletic conferences across the nation.
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6. Broadway-bound Bragg

Who said sign language wasn't showstopping? While some may have doubted the stage presence of communicating with hands, one Gallaudet graduate had them all "signing up" for more: Bernard Bragg, a Gallaudet University alumnus, co-founded the National Theatre for the Deaf, opening doors for deaf actors to dazzle audiences on stage and TV, even leading to America's first televised performance in American Sign Language. Encore!
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7. Sign Language Flash Mob

Imagine a place where everyone always remembers the "quiet game" they played in elementary school and makes you think you've walked into a sign language flash mob: Gallaudet University is the world's only liberal arts university for the deaf and hard-of-hearing students, with a staff proficient in American Sign Language and eager to assist visitors in navigating this inclusive learning environment.
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8. Hogwarts of Sign Language

If Hogwarts had a School of Sign Language, Gallaudet University would be it: as the world's first college for the deaf, founded in 1864 by the visionary Edward Miner Gallaudet, it's been championing American Sign Language and deaf culture ever since, offering magical opportunities through specialized programs and resources for deaf and hard-of-hearing students.
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