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Discover the Secrets: Top 7 Fun Facts About the Magnificent Cologne Cathedral

illustration of cologne-cathedral
Dive into the majestic world of Cologne Cathedral as we unveil some intriguing and lesser-known tidbits about this awe-inspiring architectural wonder!

1. Holy Warehouse

Talk about a holy warehouse: Cologne Cathedral, one of the most famous Gothic cathedrals in the world, fell into disrepair in the 19th century and was actually used for storage for over a decade! It took the work of dedicated citizens, who formed a committee in 1842, to save this divine monument from demolition, kicking off a 30-year restoration period that would eventually lead to it being declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.
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2. Divine Facelift

If the sight of never-ending scaffolding around the Cologne Cathedral has you singing "under construction eternally", don't fret, there's actually something divine about it: This permanent "facelift" indicates the Cathedral Builders' Works team's relentless dedication to preserving and maintaining the structure, so a scaffolding-free cathedral would actually spell doom for this beloved landmark.
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3. Blinged-out Sarcophagus

Who needs a treasure chest when you've got a blinged-out sarcophagus: The Cologne Cathedral is home to the Shrine of the Three Kings, a massive reliquary, adorned with gold, silver, and over 1,000 jewels that houses bones thought to belong to the Biblical Magi. This grand Gothic church, northern Europe's largest, was built over 600 years specifically to house these sacred relics!
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4. Musical Chairs Cathedral

What do you get when you cross the world's tallest church steeple, an epic game of architectural musical chairs, and Germany's best Gothic incense-holder? Cologne Cathedral: a 157-meter (515-foot) twin-spired wonder that held the title of world's tallest building for four years, attracts 20,000 daily visitors, and took an astonishing 632 years to complete (with a centuries-long coffee break in between).
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Decke Pitter Swings

5. Decke Pitter Swings

When Decke Pitter swings, you better not be close: The Cologne Cathedral houses the world's largest free-swinging church bell, known as St. Peter's Bell or "Decke Pitter," weighing a massive 24,000 kilograms with a diameter of 3.22 meters. It only rings on 11 special holidays, and lucky visitors can sign up to witness the bell-ringing spectacle with professional hearing protection before climbing just 386 steps to enjoy panoramic views from the cathedral's Southern Tower.
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6. Falcon Security Guards

Even peregrine falcons have cathedral receptionists on speed dial: Cologne Cathedral staff relies on these feathery security guards since 1979 to deter pigeons and protect the structure from their acidic poop, with the falcons regularly circling the cathedral every four to five weeks, ensuring that both the artwork and unsuspecting passersby remain safe from aerial bombardments.
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7. Gothic Organ Jam Sessions

What do you get when you cross gothic architecture with a musical extravaganza? Cologne Cathedral's Klais pipe organ jam sessions: This sacred space is home to not one but two Klais pipe organs, played daily and featuring renowned organists like Josef Zimmermann at an annual twelve-concert series held every Tuesday evening from June to September since 1960.
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