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Discover the Top 8 Amazing Fun Facts About Cambridge University You Never Knew!

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Dive into the world of Cambridge University, where scholarly tradition meets quirks and curiosities, as we unveil an array of enchanting fun facts to tickle your curiosity!

1. Royal Education

If there were a school fit for a king, Cambridge University surely must be it: having educated the likes of Elizabeth I and various other royals, the prestigious institution has trained some of the finest minds destined for the throne, albeit never producing a British monarch in recent history.
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2. ADC Theatre and Thrill

Before there was Netflix and chill, there was the ADC Theatre and thrill: The ADC Theatre, founded in 1855, is the oldest University playhouse in Britain and has been graced by esteemed actors, including four of the six artistic directors of the National Theatre, all thanks to the humble beginnings of two upstairs rooms at the Hoop Coaching Inn.
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3. Math on the Silver Screen

Mathematical make-believe meets the silver screen: The Man Who Knew Infinity, a biographical drama about the Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, was filmed at Trinity College, Cambridge in August 2014 and went on to feature in international film festivals such as Toronto and Zurich. The film was lauded for its accurate representation of mathematics and the deep bond between Ramanujan and his mentor, G. H. Hardy.
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4. Scholarly Fashion

Talk about a catwalk of capes and classic couture: Cambridge University has its own exclusive lineup of academic dress, with each degree flaunting a unique gown and hood combo. Strict rules govern when and how to wear these scholarly ensembles, with black gowns for less formal occasions and full regalia, including gown, hood, and headdress, for special events or days of General Admission to Degrees. This elite fashion statement is a trademark of Cambridge, with students donning gowns for matriculation, Formal Hall, and Chapel.
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Newton's "Tree-lationship"

5. Newton's "Tree-lationship"

The Apple of Newton's eye: It's said that Sir Isaac Newton had a "Tree-lationship" with the "Flower of Kent" apple tree at Cambridge University's Trinity College, as it's a descendant of his muse—the original apple tree that sparked his eureka moment on gravity. The fun part? Newton actually made his groundbreaking discovery away from Cambridge during a Bubonic Plague outbreak, and it was years later that he published his theory of universal gravitation in the famous Principia.
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6. Bridge of Sighs

Despite swearing no allegiance to heartbroken Venetian convicts and absent of any gondola serenades, Cambridge University's very own Bridge of Sighs still evokes lovelorn sighs from tourists and royalty alike: A covered stone masterpiece designed by Henry Hutchinson, the bridge connects St John's College's Third Court and New Court, and was even considered Queen Victoria's favorite spot in the city.
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7. DNA Discovery at the Pub

Before DNA had its Hollywood moment and stepped onto the red carpet of fame: Francis Crick took center stage at The Eagle pub in Cambridge on February 28, 1953, to announce his groundbreaking discovery with James Watson on the structure of DNA, while a captivated audience of fellow Cavendish Laboratory staff munched on their midday repast.
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8. Nobel Prize Masters

If Nobel prizes were Pokémon, Cambridge University would surely be a master trainer: this prestigious institution boasts over 90 alumni and faculty members who have bagged Nobel prizes across various fields such as Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, and Economics, featuring the intellectual prowess of Robert G. Edwards, Abdus Salam, and Peter Diamond, to name just a few.
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