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Discover the Top 6 Fascinating Fun Facts About Ancient Axum: A Mysterious Kingdom Unveiled

illustration of axum
Embark on a fascinating journey through time and discover the lesser-known, highly intriguing aspects of the ancient Kingdom of Axum, where history and mystery collide!

1. Snapchat-worthy Obelisk

If the Axumites had Snapchat, their geo-filter game would be "obelisk-iously" on point: The Obelisk of Axum, towering at over 69 feet, is not only one of the tallest stelae in the world but also a testament to the ancient Kingdom of Axum, which thrived for centuries and pioneered trade along the Red Sea while showcasing Egyptian-inspired architecture.
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2. Coin-tastic Status Update

Once, in a time when coins were the ultimate status update: the Aksumite Kingdom, flourishing in modern-day Eritrea and Ethiopia, used their witty gold, and sometimes silver, coins to flex their wealth and power within the Red Sea trade network. Starting around 270 AD until the 7th century, these coins, featuring royal selfies and shoutouts to their faith, served as valuable receipts of the kingdom's global clout, and now help scholars piece together the chronology of Aksumite kings.
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3. Ancient Buzz-worthy Brew

Move over, medieval hipsters with your craft beers: Aksumites had the ultimate bar secret brewing in their ancient city! Hailing from a thriving trade hub, the ingenious locals buzzed about, concocting their beloved drink called tej: a potent, honey-based delight spiked with buckthorn leaves for that extra zing.
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4. Christianity Remix

What do you get when you cross ancient Africa with an early Christian remix? A kingdom that really had a prayer: Axum, one of the first African civilizations to adopt Christianity, embraced the faith in the 4th century under King Ezana. Though some argue about its status as the first country to go all-in on Christianity, one thing's for sure – these early adopters knew a holy hit when they saw one.
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Heavy Lifting Architects

5. Heavy Lifting Architects

Who needs a gym when you have a giant stone? The ancient Axumites might not have been fitness fanatics, but they sure knew a thing or two about lifting heavy: Aksum, an ancient Ethiopian city, was home to a powerful kingdom that not only dominated trade in East Africa from 400 BC to 800 AD, but also featured awe-inspiring architecture like massive stelae made from single granite pieces, some standing 23 meters high – a true testament to their enviable muscle power and engineering prowess.
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6. Minting Masters

Whoever said "money makes the world go round" must have been talking about the Axum Empire, which knew a thing or two about coins and minting to infinity and beyond: The Aksum Kingdom was the first African nation to mint its own gold, silver, and bronze coins, maintaining the standard weight categories of the Roman Empire and reaching far-flung regions such as India, exemplifying Aksum's powerful economy and widespread trade network.
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