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Unraveling the Roll: Top 4 Fascinating Facts About Toilet Paper You Never Knew!

illustration of toilet-paper
Get ready to unravel the surprisingly entertaining world of toilet paper, as we flush away your boredom with these quirky and amusing fun facts!

1. Aloe's Bottom Care Beginnings

Before aloe became the star of skincare products, it attempted a medical career in an unexpected arena: bottom care! Joseph Gayetty, the father of modern toilet paper, marketed his 1857 creation as "medicated paper" due to the infused aloe, which he swore would ward off hemorrhoids and other troubles that lurk in our nether regions. Alas, medical organizations flushed his claims and labeled him a "quack." Undeterred, his aloe-infused legacy endured, surviving trademark lawsuits and rival TP dealers, until the Northern Tissue Company wiped him off the market with their splinter-free toilet paper in 1935.
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2. Astronauts' Restroom Adventures

Before they boldly went where no man had gone before, astronauts had to boldly go like no man had gone before: in the realm of restroom experiments, peeing bags, and vacuum toilets! Seriously speaking: toilet paper was never the prime choice for cosmic commodes, with space missions relying on less-than-ideal waste disposal methods until the International Space Station perfected the art of peeing and pooping in a vacuum with a plate-sized toilet hole and fan-assisted vacuum suction, leaving toilet paper galaxies away from this space-worthy solution.
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3. America's TP Environmental Impact

In an impressive display of the ultimate "bottom line", it appears that Uncle Sam's citizens are flushing forests down the drain with their, ahem, "paper trails": Americans remarkably use around 57 sheets of toilet paper daily, totaling 27 rolls per year and contributing to a worldwide $30 billion dollar industry. However, there's a less amusing side to this: the environmental impact, which includes deforestation and water pollution - just one roll of TP takes a whopping 37 gallons of water to produce!
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4. US: The Porcelain Throne Leader

Rolling in the deep, or rather, mounds of toilet paper, Americans have quite a "bathroom tissue" obsession, placing them at the fancy throne of TP consumption: The United States leads the world in toilet paper usage, with each person going through an astounding 140 rolls every year, outdoing average folks from Germany and the UK who use only 134 and 127 rolls respectively – making North America the undisputed king on the porcelain throne in toilet paper revenue worldwide.
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