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Discover the Top 7 Amusing Facts About the North Carolina Colony You Never Knew Before!

illustration of north-carolina-colony
Embark on a fascinating journey through time as we uncover a trove of lesser-known, yet utterly intriguing, fun facts about the North Carolina Colony!

1. Racing Moonshiners

In the land of North Carolina, where moonshiners once sped through the night like caffeinated bats in souped-up chariots, outrunning the long arm of the law: stock car racing leaped into existence and continues to thrive with iconic events like the Coca-Cola 600 and a proud display of history at the NASCAR Hall of Fame.
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2. Cardinal Overload

Who needs politics when you've got cardinals? North Carolina sure knows how to electioneer, sharing their vibrant, red-feathered state bird not just with one, but six other states: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia! Talk about bipartisan appeal: Contrary to popular belief, the Northern Cardinal is not dwindling in numbers but instead is thriving in North America due to its adaptability and food sources. Moreover, this scarlet songster is protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, a law that outlaws hunting, buying, owning, or selling these birds in both the United States and Canada, ensuring their melodies and vibrant red plumes continue to grace our backyards.
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3. King Charles' BFFs

In a game of thrones-worthy move, King Charles II handed a massive chunk of the New World to eight of his BFFs: Behold, North Carolina was born - and it brought along Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, and the Bahamas, too! After years of the Lords Proprietors playing real-life Risk, they divided their sprawling kingdom in 1712 into North Carolina and South Carolina; yet, the two remained under their merry band's rule until 1729, when North Carolina finally gained its royal colony crown.
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4. Lighthouse Survivor

"Move over, Fast & Furious: major hurricanes and earthquakes ain't got nothin' on the true tower of resilience, Cape Hatteras Lighthouse": Standing proudly on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, this stalwart sentinel has withstood about 40 hurricanes, an earthquake, and even a 1999 relocation due to shoreline erosion, now boasting a safe distance of 1,600 feet from the ocean while still offering stunning views of Cape Hatteras National Seashore for those who conquer its 257 steps.
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Tobacco Titans

5. Tobacco Titans

Rolling in the deep... tobacco leaves: North Carolina, well-known for its hefty contributions to the tobacco industry, is actually a bronze medalist – sitting in third place for flue-cured tobacco production behind Georgia and Florida, but holds the title as the nation's leading tobacco-producing state with over 249 million pounds produced in 2022.
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6. Graveyard of the Atlantic

Ahoy, mateys! Get ready to navigate the treacherous seas of the original "Pirates of the Carolinas": North Carolina's coastline is home to the "Graveyard of the Atlantic," a nautical nightmare of Diamond Shoals and shifting inlets teeming with the remains of shipwrecked Spanish treasure fleets, ill-fated Civil War blockade runners, and aerially defeated battleships, making for a historian's and treasure hunter's watery paradise.
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7. Blackbeard's Deal

Once upon a time, a tax-evading, seafaring man with an eccentric beard stumbled upon the ultimate limited-time offer: the governor of North Carolina promised to wipe his slate clean in exchange for a shiny cut of his looted loot. If you thought "Arrr, matey!" was just pirate-speak for "yes, please!", think again: In 1718, Governor Charles Eden pardoned the infamous pirate Blackbeard in exchange for a share of his treasure, only to later sanction Lieutenant Robert Maynard's mission to defeat and ultimately kill him in a brutal battle off Ocracoke Island.
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