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Top 7 Unbelievable Fun Facts from 2018: Discover the Exciting Events that Shaped Our World!

illustration of 2018
Dive into the thrilling rollercoaster ride that was 2018 with these entertaining and intriguing fun facts that'll leave you feeling nostalgic and possibly educated too!

1. Kinder Surprise Seizures

When Kinder Surprise crashes the party but gets denied at the door: Around 30,000 of these controversial chocolate eggs were seized at the US border in 2015, all thanks to the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The Italian Ferrero company has sold over 1.2 billion eggs annually since their introduction in 1974, but Americans can't legally enjoy them due to safety concerns about the plastic capsules tucked inside the sweet treat. Smuggling Kinder Surprises remains a shady black-market hobby for some rebellious chocoholic rule-breakers!
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2. Tesla Roadster Space Joyride

In an epic act of "driving on Mars" envy: Elon Musk's SpaceX propelled a Tesla Roadster, complete with a mannequin named Starman donning a pressure suit, into an elliptical heliocentric orbit crossing Mars' path in 2018. This historical lift-off simultaneously made it the first roadworthy car in space and provided viewers with over four hours of celestial joyride footage.
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3. Ultra Violet Fever

Feeling a bit out of this world, Cosmically Colorful: In 2018, Pantone declared "Ultra Violet" as the Color of the Year, a blue-based purple symbolizing imagination and originality that has deep-rooted associations with spirituality and mysticism.
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4. Bermuda's Same-Sex Marriage Rollercoaster

In a twist as complicated as a soap opera love triangle: Bermuda went through a lengthy back-and-forth battle over same-sex marriage in 2018, witnessing the Supreme Court striking down a ban, the government appealing, the Court of Appeal upholding same-sex marriage rights, another government challenge, and finally, the 2022 Privy Council decision to ban it again, before recognizing pre-existing marriages in July 2022.
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The Tide Pod Challenge Misadventure

5. The Tide Pod Challenge Misadventure

Hold on to your detergent: In 2018, the bewildering "Tide Pod Challenge" took the internet by storm, where adventurous teens dined on vibrant dishwashers' delights and posted their escapades on social media. The serious reveal: The trend led to over 10,500 children under 5 being exposed to these toxic temptations, with nearly 25% of intentional exposure cases involving teenagers in 2015, as reported by the American Association of Poison Control Centers, prompting officials to emphasize their use for laundry only.
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6. Ancient Egyptian Cheese Saga

When the ancient Egyptians said "cheese," they meant it literally: In 2018, researchers discovered the world's oldest cheese in the tomb of Ptahmes, a high-ranking official from the 13th century B.C. Made from a mixture of sheep and goat milk, this aged relic boasts a uniquely tart flavor thanks to the presence of a bacteria associated with brucellosis, leaving us with the oldest evidence of the disease and a cheesy glimpse into ancient Egyptian culinary history.
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7. Howl'oween Parade Extravaganza

When witchful thinking went to the dogs and pet owners decided to raise the woof with spooktacular outfits: Clinton Township, New Jersey, hosted a "Howl'oween Parade" in October 2018, where dogs and their humans donned costumes, competing for titles like funniest, scariest, and best parent-dog duo.
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