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Discover the 1983 Time Capsule: Top 8 Fun Facts That Will Take You Back!

illustration of 1983
Dive into the nostalgia-filled pool of 1983, where leg warmers, iconic movies, and unforgettable historical moments unite to paint a rad picture of this totally tubular year!

1. Trivial Pursuit Mania

Did you know that back when Marty McFly was skateboarding around Hill Valley in 1983, our forefathers had to keep their minds busy by partaking in an analog version of Google search called "Trivial Pursuit"? Well, buckle up for this delightful blast from the past: In 1983, Trivial Pursuit introduced us to the All-Star Sports Edition, Baby Boomer Edition, Silver Screen Edition, and Welcome to America Edition – covering everything from bobsledding in spandex to Marilyn Monroe's dinner dates, ensuring your trivia nights were spicier than mom's meatloaf and tastier than those neon-colored cocktails with old-school pizzazz!
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2. HP-75C: The Pocket-Sized Marvel

Before laptops had us hooked and smartphones replaced our calculators, there was a pocket-sized wonder that attempted to be the tech-hero we didn't know we needed: In 1983, HP launched the HP-75C, their first portable computer, boasting a one-line LCD display, built-in BASIC language, and an HP-IL port for accessory connections, all yours for a whopping $995 (with the 75D upgrade at $1,095 in 1984). Today, these vintage devices not only still hold on to their functionality but also enjoy a fan following, complete with USB interfaces to connect them to contemporary computers.
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3. The Birth of the California Roll

Rolling through life like a sushi chef on a mission: In 1983, Hidekazu Tojo combined culinary worlds with the invention of the California Roll, a tasty maki marriage of rice, seaweed, cucumber, avocado, cooked crab meat or imitation crab, and mayonnaise – taking the sushi scene by storm and spreading its delicious influence all the way back to traditional sushi's homeland, Japan.
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4. Tootsie Pop Heroes: Saving Owls?

Rumor has it that the real "Tootsie Pop Heroes" were joyfully rescuing countless owls from sticky lollipop extinction, one lick at a time: However, the iconic "How many licks does it take?" Tootsie Pop ad campaign, launched over half a century ago, has no actual recorded contribution to saving owls or any other animal species for that matter, despite having charmed the taste buds and smiles out of generations.
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R2-D2's Raunchy Adventure

5. R2-D2's Raunchy Adventure

In a galaxy far, far raunchier, we almost witnessed R2-D2 getting it on with a steamy side of circuits and sizzle: The European release of "A New Hope" in 1983 originally included a graphic droid-sex scene aboard the Jawa Sandcrawler, but it was removed by George Lucas for the US premiere, only to resurface years later in Spielberg's "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial."
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6. The Rise and Fall of the McDLT

Once upon a time in a land of Big Macs and golden arches, McDonald's embarked on an epic quest to keep the heat sizzling and the chill frosty, crafting a legendary sandwich for the masses to relish and savor. Behold, the mighty McDLT: an innovative creation that featured a two-part container, separating the burger and bottom bun from the cool lettuce and tomato, so your taste buds could indulge in harmonious bites of hot meets cold. Alas, the McDLT's reign was short-lived, as concerns about polystyrene packaging and lack of necessary heating-cooling machines turned this once revolutionary masterpiece into a fallen hero, now replaced by its descendant, the Big and Tasty.
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7. The CD Revolution: Out with Mixtapes

Before Spotify, Tidal, and Apple Music sparked a war for audiophile's ears, the humble compact disc played its part in a "tech waltz" that had everyone spinning: In 1983, the first CD was released in North America and Europe, thanks to a sweet collaboration between Philips and Sony, who co-developed this revolutionary technology. This shiny, round marvel not only made mixtapes passé, but it ignited our modern love affair with digital media formats for audio and data storage that just won't quit!
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8. Paintball: The Original Fortnite

Before Fortnite, there was foliage: In 1981, a wild band of 12 paint-splattered adventurers - including a turkey hunter, a venture capitalist, and a Green Beret lieutenant - embarked on the world's first recorded paintball game in the lush forests of Henniker, New Hampshire. Blending capture the flag with sharp-shooting antics, a licensed forester emerged victorious by stealthily snagging all four flags without being shot. This battle royale inspired Charles Gaines, Hayes Noel, and Bob Gurnsey to establish The National Survival Game business, which ultimately morphed into the colorful sport of paintball we know today.
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