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Groovy Times: Top 6 Fun Facts About Paris in 1965 You Never Knew!

illustration of 1965
Get ready to time travel as we explore the wonderfully quirky and fascinating world of 1965 through a vibrant collection of fun facts guaranteed to pique your curiosity and make you say, "Wait, really?!"

1. Ronald McDonald's Early Debut

Don't clown around with Ronald's history: it's no laughing matter that Ronald McDonald, our favorite burger-mascot extraordinaire, first appeared on the small screen in 1963, not 1965, after being dreamt up by advertising whiz Oscar Goldstein. Donning the red wig and yellow jumpsuit two years before his big debut at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and the NFL Championship Game, Willard Scott – Bozo the Clown’s alter ego – helped catapult him into our Happy Meal memories, but only after honing his cheeseburger charm in the Washington, D.C. area!
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2. Miniskirts: Older Than You Think

Before miniskirts were out of this world, they were quite literally ancient history: In 1965, Mary Quant popularized the modern miniskirt fashion inspired by street style, but archaeologists discovered that these sassy hemlines date back to figurines in Europe around 5400-4700 B.C. and Egyptian frescoes, while 1920s flappers and entertainer Josephine Baker (in her infamous banana skirt) were trendsetters that paved the way for Quant's revolutionary design.
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3. Granny Gets Healthcare with Medicare

In 1965, while the Beatles were singing "Help!" Granny finally got some – healthcare, that is: The Social Security Amendments passed, creating Medicaid and Medicare, providing health coverage to low-income individuals and those over 65, enrolling nearly 20 million people in just three years and giving a much-needed break to millions of older Americans who previously had little to no health insurance.
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4. Goodbye Capital Punishment in the UK

Wham, bam, thank you ma'am! Britain's courts took their final bow to capital punishment in the swinging sixties: In 1965, the UK suspended the use of the death penalty for murder, leading to its eventual abolition in 1969, ending a brutal 5th-century tradition and ushering in a new age of the British justice system where the ultimate sentence was no longer death.
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The Scandalous Bikini Ad

5. The Scandalous Bikini Ad

In a time when "wet and wild" referred to an innocent splash in the pool, one swimwear company dared to push the envelope: In 1965, Jantzen ran a scandalous ad featuring a bikini-clad model with the cheeky tagline "The suit that couldn't be photographed," suggesting the outfit was too risqué for the tame world of Mad Men-esque modesty.
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6. The Great Condiment Conquests

Saucy shenanigans afoot: In the captivating tale of condiment conquests, 1965 saw the French food company Danone snatch up HP Foods, only to witness the plot thicken in recent times as American food behemoth H.J. Heinz swooped in for the saucy spoils. This acquisition will unite the iconic sauce brethren of HP, Lea & Perrins, Heinz, ABC, Classico, and Wattie's under one massive umbrella, making for one saucy global family.
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