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Discover the Top 6 Quirky and Fun Facts About Voting You Never Knew!

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Get ready to be tickled by democracy with some entertaining and quirky fun facts about voting – from the bizarre to the mind-boggling!

1. California's 2003 Gubernatorial Circus

In a plot twist that would make reality TV blush: California's 2003 gubernatorial recall election saw a wild cast of 135 contenders, including fruit-smashing comedian Leo Gallagher, sultry adult film star Mary Carey, and pint-sized "Diff'rent Strokes" star Gary Coleman – who surprisingly nabbed more than 14,000 votes and placed eighth in the race.
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2. Voting Assistance for All

Though Uncle Sam may not be offering wine pairings with your voting experience, he's got you covered in the accessibility department: According to the U.S. Code, voters with disabilities, those unable to read or write, or those with visual impairments can receive assistance from a person of their choice, as long as it's not an employer, union representative, or agent of either.
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3. Barcode Check-in for LA Voters

Hold on to your barcodes, folks! We're about to bring voting into a futuristic retail world: Los Angeles County voters can now scan their Quick Check-in Code to expedite checking in at the Vote Center, which appears under their registration details and on their mailed Sample Ballot and Vote Center postcard. Welcome to the Jetsons-esque future of voting convenience!
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4. UK's BYO Pen to the Polls

Ever wished you could wave your lucky pen like a magic wand to decide the fate of elections? Well, abracada-vota! In the UK, it's not mandatory to use the provided pencils at polling stations, and you can bring your own pen or pencil to mark your ballot: The pencils are there for practical reasons, as using ink pens may lead to rejected ballots due to smudging or ink transfer. So dust off that enchanted quill and cast your democratic spell!
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Frank Zappa: Rockin' the Vote

5. Frank Zappa: Rockin' the Vote

In a world where voting booths and electric guitars collide to create the perfect symphony of civic duty, one rock legend reigned supreme as the maestro of democratic participation: Frank Zappa. This harmonious hybrid of music and politics: Zappa was not only a pioneering musician but also an outspoken advocate for freedom of speech and voting, tirelessly encouraging everyone to "let their voice be heard" and get their "ass out and vote!"
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6. Comedian Mayor of Reykjavik

Who needs Mickey Mouse when you've got a comedian pulling the strings: In 2010, Iceland's Best Party, led by funnyman Jon Gnarr, clinched Reykjavik's mayoral election with 34.7% of the vote, making him the city's fourth mayor in four years. The satirical campaign platform included pledges for a "drug-free Parliament by 2020" and a Disneyland at the airport – all while giving disgruntled citizens a chance to snub traditional politics in the wake of Iceland's devastating financial crisis in 2008.
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