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Discover the Top 13 Fun Facts about the Department of Education: Unveiling Paris' Educational Wonders!

illustration of the-department-of-education
Get ready to be schooled in some lesser-known tidbits as we explore the fascinating world of the Department of Education – it's more than just textbooks and report cards!

1. A Magical History of the Dept. of Education

Before Hogwarts stole the show and the schooling limelight, Uncle Sam had some tricks up his own sleeve: the U.S. Department of Education was initially conjured into existence in 1867 by President Andrew Johnson, only to be hit with the “Reducio” charm and demoted to an Office of Education a year later, fearing it might wield too much power over local schools. Fast forward to 1979, when the Department of Education was magically resurrected as a Cabinet-level agency thanks to the Department of Education Organization Act.
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2. The Department's Budget Swelling Potion

Once upon a time in a land before iPads, podcasts, and MOOCs, a not-so-little Department called Education was born: In 1867, President Andrew Johnson established the Office of Education, which later became the U.S. Department of Education, to gather info and stats on the nation's schools. Despite its demotion to an office in 1868, by 1965 it had swelled to over 2,100 employees and boasted a budget of $1.5 billion. Fast forward to today, and this educational powerhouse now employs nearly 4,300 people and has a budget of a whopping $60 billion!
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3. Architectural Lovechild Housing Dilemma

The Department of Education building: the lovechild of a modernist architectural affair and accidental bureaucrat roommate drama! Designed by Faulkner, Kinsbury & Stenhouse and Chatelain, Gauger & Nolan, the International Style abode originally never knew who it would house, only to become the shared living quarters of NASA and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The Department of Education later took over in 1979, inheriting this space-age crib in the heart of the federal playground.
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4. Government Gets Groovy with Let's Move!

From shaking their groove thang to making salad chic: The Department of Education has been flexing their fun muscles with initiatives like Let's Move! Active Schools, Let's Move Salad Bars to Schools, Let's Move! Child Care, and Let's Move! in Indian Country - all aimed at promoting physical activity and healthy eating habits among the nation's youth, in schools, child care centers, and Native American communities.
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Heartfelt Dear Colleague Letters on Learning

5. Heartfelt Dear Colleague Letters on Learning

Who says the government doesn't give Dear Colleague letters any TLC? When the Departments of Education and Health and Human Services got together for a playdate, they penned a heartwarming letter filled with the A-B-Cs and 1-2-3s for social-emotional learning: On June 14, they issued a recommendation-stuffed letter to improve young children's social-emotional development and mental health, complete with four specific suggestions and helpful resource links to boost evidence-based practices and nurture workforce wellness.
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6. The Nation's Report Card: NAEP's Secrets

Psst, wanna know a dangerously delicious secret about the Nation's Report Card? It's not a hall pass to the teachers' lounge where the "cool kids" hang out, but it's definitely a bigwig in the cosmic carnival of US education: The NAEP, or National Assessment of Educational Progress, is the largest nationally representative and continuous assessment of K-12 student achievement across a variety of subjects, providing invaluable data for students, parents, educators, and decision-makers to help guide the ongoing quest for knowledge and personal growth!
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7. Race to Personalized Education Adventures

In a modern-day twist on "The Tortoise and the Hare," schools across the country now sprint towards well-rounded, customized education destinations in a thrilling race organized by an unexpected host: The Department of Education's Race to the Top-District program is a competitive grant that encourages personalized education initiatives in local schools, providing them with tools, resources, and support to boost student outcomes and tackle individual needs—an educational revolution wrapped in a friendly competition for a brighter future!
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8. Financial Aid Potions for Medical Students

Feeling under the weather and in need of greenbacks to cure your tuition fever? Fear not, there's a prescription for that: Medical students can turn to the National Health Service Corps Scholarship and the Health Professions Scholarship Program, government and military service programs that offer tuition, living expenses, and other financial support in exchange for dedicating a few years of service to underserved communities or the military, ensuring all Americans have access to top-notch healthcare.
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9. OCR: Knock, Knock, Let's Talk Disabilities

Knock, knock! Who's there? The Office for Civil Rights: ensuring no door remains closed for students with disabilities. The OCR enforces Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination and guarantees appropriate education for students with disabilities in programs receiving federal funding from the U.S. Department of Education.
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EduBusters Combat Stimulus Fund Shenanigans

10. EduBusters Combat Stimulus Fund Shenanigans

Who you gonna call? EduBusters! In a world where naughty stimulus funds roam free with nefarious intentions, they fear none other than the mighty warriors of the Department of Education: The Office of ESSA-Funded Programs Project Staff monitors how Local Educational Agencies use allocations from various relief funds, ensuring compliance, continuous improvement, and the maximum impact of each program.
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11. NCES: Trusty TI-84 Data Calculator

Ever had a burning question about education, only to be left scratching your head like you just found out that Pluto isn't a planet anymore? Well, fear not, trend-spotters and number-crunchers: The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has got you covered, like a trusty TI-84 calculator stashed away in your backpack. This educational data powerhouse collects and analyzes vital statistics on public preK-12 education expenditures and student performance for assessments like the NAEP Civics – transforming cryptic data into treasure troves of knowledge for all your scholarly needs.
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12. Magical Student Loan Forgiveness Portals

Lo and behold, student loan borrowers of the great federal realm: there be a magic portal to save thee from pecuniary doom! Direct Loan Servicing is its name, and it bestows upon you the power to manage, repay, and even seek forgiveness for your debts, all through the wondrous world of online sorcery.
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13. Teachers' Loan Forgiveness Arsenal

Feeling like Robin Hood in the classroom, teachers? Fear not, the Department of Education has got your back: multiple loan forgiveness programs are available, including Public Service Loan Forgiveness, Teacher Loan Forgiveness, Perkins Loan Cancellation for Teachers, and state-sponsored options, all tailored to help our educational heroes battle their student loan dragons.
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