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Discover Morehouse Magic: Top 11 Entertaining and Enlightening Fun Facts About Morehouse College

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Dive into the fascinating world of Morehouse College with our compilation of fun facts that'll leave you maroon-tie impressed and entertained!

1. Fashion-Forward Dress Code

If you're looking to channel your inner fashionista while attending an institution steeped in history, Morehouse College might have you rethinking your wardrobe: In a bid to uphold the legacy of producing "Renaissance men," their dress code policy requires students to avoid do-rags, hoods, sunglasses indoors, derogatory message-laden clothing, and even women's attire like dresses, tops, tunics, purses, and pumps, all under the threat of academic suspension.
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2. Famous Alumni Galore

From a Dreamer with a speech to a Jedi Master teaching the ways of the Force: Morehouse College, a member of the Atlanta University Center Consortium, proudly counts Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., actor Samuel L. Jackson, former Surgeon General David Satcher, and civil rights activist Julian Bond among its distinguished alumni.
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3. A Young MLK's College Journey

At Morehouse College, where freshmen enter at 15 and seniors graduate as King: Martin Luther King Jr. was just a sprightly 15-year-old when he began his higher education journey at Morehouse, eventually graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology in 1948 and being mentored by the inspiring college president Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, laying the groundwork for his future role as a civil rights icon.
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4. Civil Rights Hogwarts

If Hogwarts had an all-male frat house for civil rights legends, Morehouse College would be the real-life inspiration: This esteemed all-male college in Atlanta, founded back in 1867, has set the gold standard for African American education, with its alumni repertoire including the iconic Martin Luther King Jr. who graduated in 1948.
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Oprah's Enchanting Scholarships

5. Oprah's Enchanting Scholarships

Move over, Fairy Godmother: Oprah's here to transform lives with her generous grants and enchanting scholarships: Oprah Winfrey has graciously donated a whopping $25 million to Morehouse College, funding the Oprah Winfrey Scholars Program since 1989 and aiding 600 students. The cherry on top? Her most recent $13 million donation is the largest endowment ever given to an HBCU, announced during her visit for the program's 30th anniversary, where she was surprised with a heartfelt portrait and serenade from the grateful students.
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6. Chivalry in Black Men's Research Institute

Who says chivalry is dead? Morehouse College is putting the "gentle" back in "gentleman" with their Black Men's Research Institute: This noble establishment promotes intellectual engagement and social justice by developing a Black masculinities studies minor and online program, focusing on the intersection of culture, gender, sexual orientation, and other social aspects that shape the lives of Black men and their communities.
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7. Campus Tribute to Icons

If architect gods played with LEGOs and jammed to Ray Charles while remembering Dr. King: you might end up with Morehouse College's campus. Iconic landmarks like the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel, complete with West African-inspired architecture and stained glass chronicling his legacy, or the Ray Charles Performing Arts Center, where the soulful crooner used to hone his skills. Morehouse serves as a picturesque tribute to those who once walked its hallowed halls.
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8. Edwin Moses, Un-caped Hero

You might think he's an Avenger with his superhero-esque feats, but this Morehouse man was busy hurdling obstacles long before Thor even swung his mighty hammer: Edwin Moses, a physics and industrial engineering graduate from the prestigious Morehouse College, set the athletic world ablaze throughout the '70s and '80s, securing two Olympic golds, a world record, and over 100 consecutive wins in intermediate hurdles. This track titan even recited the Olympic Oath at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, proving that true greatness doesn't always need a cape!
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9. Spike Lee's Collegiate Pickle

Lights, camera, ejection! When Spike Lee found himself in a collegiate pickle during the making of "School Daze", he had to tap dance his way to a different stage: Morehouse College, along with Spelman and Clark Atlanta University, showed Lee the door due to concerns over his film's portrayal of black colleges, leaving him to finish shooting at the nearby Morris Brown College. And, just like that, a touch of real-life drama weaved its way into this classic cinematic take on intra-racial tensions and colorism!
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Swag Outshines High School Missteps

10. Swag Outshines High School Missteps

Who needs high school when you've got swag, right? Well, former Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson would know: As a timid and less-than-stellar high school scholar, Johnson defied all odds at Morehouse College and graduated with a 3.0 GPA, eventually becoming a top lawyer, political figure, and part of President Obama's Cabinet.
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11. MLK's Personal "Storage Unit"

If Martin Luther King Jr. had a storage unit, it'd probably be a library: Morehouse College hosts the Martin Luther King Jr. Collection in their Robert W. Woodruff Library, boasting over 10,000 items related to the iconic Civil Rights leader, including personal letters, photographs, and manuscripts penned by the man himself.
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