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Discover the Unexpected: Top 6 Fun Facts About Congress You Never Knew!

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Dive into the intriguing world of Congress with these amusing and lesser-known fun facts – you may just laugh while you learn!

1. Pets Belong with Families Act

Who let the dogs in? It wasn't Congress, but they might be on to something: The Pets Belong with Families Act, introduced by Representatives Adam Schiff, Brian Fitzpatrick, Lauren Underwood, and Cori Bush, proposes to ban broad pet restrictions based on breed or size in public housing, potentially keeping millions of wagging tails united with their loving human families.
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2. Congresswomen's Workout Protest

Sweat equity gone awry: In 1967, three Congresswomen staged a workout protest to demand equal access to the Members' gym at the Rayburn House Office Building, ultimately inspiring Patsy Mink's advocacy for Title IX in 1972.
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3. Capitol Hill Pajama Party

Whoever said "there's no place like home" clearly had some congressional insiders in mind: Several members of Congress have been known to use their Capitol Hill offices as their personal live-work spaces, complete with bedtime stories and fuzzy slippers. However, the curtain might be closing on this political slumber party, as concerns over appropriate use of taxpayer funds and potential health risks, especially amidst COVID-19, are prompting calls to kick these pajama-clad policymakers to the curb.
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4. Presidential Fashion Debate

In a time when royal titles were all the rage, our founding fathers engaged in a heated fashion debate: what should be the ultimate power statement for the president's wardrobe-label? The answer: the simple yet stylish "president"; and thus, during George Washington's inauguration in 1789, after three weeks of congressional deliberations, the first executive title was born – ditching the embellishment of "His Highness, President of the United States and Protector of Their Liberties" for a minimalist and universally admired design.
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Congressional Turkey Sandwich

5. Congressional Turkey Sandwich

You know the feeling when Thanksgiving is over, but you're stuck with leftover turkey sandwiches for days? Well, the US Congress knows a thing or two about feeling like a leftover: Behold, the "lame duck period." This odd phrase dates back to 18th century London Stock Exchange slang, where a "lame duck" referred to a stockbroker who defaulted on their debts, not any political shenanigans of yore!
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6. Politicians Gaming Skills

Leveling up in the game of politics: around a dozen House members regularly immerse themselves in the world of video games, with even more indulging in mobile gaming on their phones, proving that button mashing and power-ups are not limited to the realm of teenagers and overgrown man-children. This joystick prowess has even helped politicians forge connections with younger constituents and tactically traverse the tricky terrains of Washington, all without having to break a sweat in a sack race.
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