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Discover Simplicity: Top 13 Enthralling Fun Facts About Amish Life and Culture

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Delve into the fascinating world of the Amish with these quirky and lesser-known tidbits that just might raise your eyebrows and spark your curiosity!

1. Buggy Lanes and Horsepower

Who needs a DeLorean when you've got a horse and buggy? Buckle up for this trot down Lancaster County's "buggy lanes": Amish buggies clock in an average speed of 5-8 mph, with standardbred horses (often retired racehorses!) doing the trotting. At a cool $9,000 per buggy and $3,500 for a horse and harness combo, these bad boys can last 30 years with proper care, making them a true investment in horsepower. Don't forget the $3,000 annual horse upkeep, though – it ain't always cheap "horsin' around" on the road!
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2. Farming with Horse Style

Why did the Amish farmer get a horse instead of a tractor? Because horsepower never goes out of style: The Amish prefer simpler times and steer clear of modern machinery, opting to use horses for farming, just as their ancestors did in the 1500s. While some have evolved to embrace limited technologies like diesel generators for cell phones or solar panels for energy, their quaint way of life remains unchanged in its charming rural simplicity.
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3. Beard-iquette: Tying the Knot

When it comes to Amish beard-iquette, it's all about tying the knot and letting it grow au naturel: Unmarried Amish men shave their beards, but once they're married, they're expected to grow their beards without ever picking up a razor - mustaches, however, remain firmly off-limits all through.
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4. Sun-Loving Amish Go Solar

Hold on to your bonnets and hitch up your buggies, folks: the sun-loving Amish have gone tech-savvy and embraced solar power to keep their lives lit and eco-friendly! Turns out, they've been harnessing solar energy since the 1990s, using solar panels to light their humble abodes, power water pumps, and even give life to some modern appliances - all without compromising their traditional lifestyle or the environment.
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Future-Proof Amish Solar Panels

5. Future-Proof Amish Solar Panels

Who needs a flux capacitor when you've got solar panels? That's right, Marty McFly could've saved his trips to the future if he was Amish: Contrary to popular belief, some Amish communities have been harnessing solar power since the 1990s to run lights, water pumps, appliances, cash registers, and even e-bikes. By using solar panels and LED lights, they maintain their values of self-reliance and independence while avoiding technology that threatens their traditional way of life.
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6. Amish Night Owls and Early Birds

Ever heard of "Rise and shine, Amish-style"? Well, it turns out some Amish youths might rather hit the snooze button than churn butter at the crack of dawn: Contrary to popular belief, not all Amish people are early risers. While most Amish adults typically wake up around 5:30 am for work, some, especially teenagers, aren't quite as eager to greet the morning sun. However, these night owls still usually turn in for the night between 10-10:30 pm, which is considerably earlier than their counterparts in Western cultures.
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7. Old Testament Fun Times

Who said the Amish don't know how to have a good time? They're no party poopers – they simply prefer the "Old Testament" kind of fun: Think Whac-A-Mole sans the arcade, Fortnite, but with real forts, or good ol' Ice Age ice-skating vibes: You'll find many Amish families enjoying an array of outdoor activities like swimming, camping, fishing, hunting, and even taking part in informal sports games such as softball, corner ball, and volleyball. So, when winter comes, don't be shocked if you find them ice fishing, snow skiing, or channeling their inner Happy Gilmore on ice!
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8. Swiping Right on Tech and Simplicity

If the Amish were to use Tinder, you could say they'd equally "swipe right" on both technology and simplicity: While welcoming certain forms of tech like cell phones and computers for business purposes and distant communication, they keep their core values intact by teaching practical education and living off the grid everywhere else.
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9. Buttonless Amish Fashion Scene

Sewing machines that just can't bother with buttons and zippers, welcome to the Amish fashion scene: Many Amish individuals create their own clothing using traditional techniques like hand sewing or treadle sewing machines, focusing on functionality and humility rather than extravagant designs.
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Horseshoes? Neigh, Thank You.

10. Horseshoes? Neigh, Thank You.

Some might say it's straight from the horse's mouth: The Amish often choose not to use horseshoes on their trusty steeds, instead opting for natural hoof trimming and other care techniques to keep the horses' hooves happy and healthy.
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11. Techno-Amish: Dialing It In

Hold onto your buggies, techno-geeks: The Amish aren't living in an entirely zippiddydoodah technology-free world! Indeed, our humble horse-and-buggy friends selectively embrace modern marvels like cell phones and home delivery services for business and emergencies, while their homes remain stubbornly unplugged and internet-shy.
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12. Something Blue Amish Brides

Who needs a fairytale wedding gown when blue will do just fine? Amish brides are breaking the (white) mold and flying in the face of tradition with a dash of navy and a sprinkle of sky blue: Contrary to popular belief, Amish brides wear simple, plain dresses in various shades of blue on their wedding day, making their own dress and those of their attendants. This versatile blue dress serves for Sunday church services and even their burial outfit upon passing away.
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13. Woodstock Rebels: Fastener-Free Joinery

Are Amish carpenters the ultimate rebels of Woodstock? They scoff at screws and nails, vehemently rejecting these fastening interlopers: Instead, they mastermind fastener-free joinery techniques like dovetails and mortise-and-tenon, reinforced with wood glue, resulting in stunning art pieces that embody the essence of unity and durability.
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