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Discover the Epic World of Gilgamesh: Top 12 Fun Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of gilgamesh
Dive into the captivating world of Gilgamesh, where ancient history and epic adventures collide, and unravel some fascinating tidbits about the legendary hero!

1. Ancient Buddy Adventure Comedy

Before Batman and Robin ever swooped onto the scene, an ancient dynamic duo was already battling monsters and saving damsels in distress: Meet Gilgamesh and Enkidu, starring in the world's oldest buddy adventure comedy! Serious reveal: The Epic of Gilgamesh, as early as the Third Dynasty of Ur in Mesopotamia, is one of the oldest surviving works of literature; showcasing the trials and tribulations of the larger-than-life king of Uruk, Gilgamesh, and his trusty companion Enkidu, their saga has inspired countless heroes and stories throughout history.
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2. Logging Extreme: Demigods & Rafts

Who said lumberjacking was boring? Gilgamesh and his pal Enkidu turned logging into an epic adventure, complete with battling demigods and DIY raft-building: On their quest to cut down cedar trees from the beautiful yet dangerous Cedar Forest, they faced and defeated its guardian, the fearsome Humbaba. And how did they celebrate? By crafting a grand cedar gate for Nippur and floating away on their handmade raft down the Euphrates, of course!
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3. Gilgamesh: The Divine Catch

If Gilgamesh had a profile, he'd surely market himself as a divine catch: two-thirds god, one-third human. Turns out, this unusual god-to-human ratio actually hails from the ancient Epic of Gilgamesh, sparking scholarly debates on its significance and origins while providing an, ahem, *heavenly* talking point in mythical dating circles.
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4. Lemonade, Walls, and Superheroes

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade; when you're Gilgamesh, the zesty ancient superhero, you construct colossal, fear-inducing walls: Did you know that our musclebound hero not only flexed in battle, toppling the vicious Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven, but also built the awe-inspiring walls of Uruk? His craftsmanship was unparalleled, with towering heights and elaborate designs, giving both his inhabitants safety and critics an eyeful of the opulence of his reign.
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King of Ancient Etsy: Cylinder Seals

5. King of Ancient Etsy: Cylinder Seals

Move over, ancient Etsy artisans: Gilgamesh was crafting before it was cool! This legendary king had a flair for fashioning personal property tags and signing on the dotted line: Uruk, his city, was the first to develop the cylinder seal, possibly with his royal touch, allowing him to mark his territory and make his signature style statement for all eternity.
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6. Cleanliness: Gateway to Godliness

Whoever said cleanliness is next to godliness must have read the Epic of Gilgamesh: In this ancient tale, washing up is a crucial step for characters like Enkidu and Ninsun, as it allows them to transition into more respected social roles and be accepted in human society.
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7. Ultimate Workout Buddy: Two-thirds God

They say two's company, but three-thirds is clearly a crowd at the gym: Gilgamesh, the muscled-up, legendary hero-king of Uruk, was a powerful pie chart of brawn, boasting two-thirds god and one-third human, making him the ultimate workout buddy. In a tale of ancient bromance, he and wild-haired Enkidu, a human "tamed" by the gods to take him down a notch, wrestled their way to friendship after Gilgamesh threw Enkidu to the ground in one legendary smackdown.
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8. Enkidu's Civilized Shepherds' Picnic

Forget happy hour at the local pub, Enkidu had his first taste of civilization with a shepherds' picnic: In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Enkidu enjoying bread and beer in Tablet 2 symbolizes his transformation from a wild-man to a more civilized existence, echoing scholars' belief that the agricultural revolution could have been fueled by a desire for these staples of life.
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9. Gilgamesh: Ancient Trivia Master

Whoever said "knowledge is power" must've met Gilgamesh at an ancient trivia night: The legendary ruler of Uruk was touted to possess knowledge of all things, making him a well-respected and fearsome smarty pants in his realm.
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The Royal Lion Strangler

10. The Royal Lion Strangler

In a time long before cat cafes and lion kings, there was a legendary royal who took "paw-sitive" action to new extremes: Gilgamesh, a powerful Mesopotamian king, once showed his prowess by strangling a magical lion with his bare hands, even without any ancient Egyptian lion goddess to cheer him on.
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11. Flexing Literary Muscles: First Epic

Before Instagram influencers and New York Times Bestsellers cornered the storytelling market, this ancient hero flexed his literary muscles and conquered the epic narrative: The Epic of Gilgamesh, dating back to around 1200 BCE, is one of the world's first recorded stories and a granddaddy of literature, having inspired countless tales throughout history and outlasting the likes of The Odyssey and the Bible.
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12. Celestial Bull Revenge: Ancient Dating

Forget dating apps - back in ancient Sumer, divine beings would just send celestial bulls as revenge for getting rejected: In the epic of "Gilgamesh and the Bull of Heaven," the goddess Inanna sends a heavenly bull to attack Gilgamesh after he snubs her advances, but his pal Enkidu swoops in and they team up to take the boisterous bovine down.
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