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Top 10 Unbelievable Fun Facts About Atlantis: Dive Into the Lost City's Secrets!

illustration of atlantis
Dive into the mysterious depths of Atlantis and unearth a treasure trove of fascinating tidbits that will leave you questioning the secrets of this enigmatic lost city!

1. Atlantis vs. Titanic

Move aside, Titanic - there's a more legendary sinking story in town: Plato's tale of Atlantis details a powerful and advanced kingdom that apparently plunged into the ocean around 9600 B.C. thanks to earthquakes and floods, but there's no evidence to suggest it had a speedier descent than our favorite cinematic shipwreck.
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2. Poseidon's Bathtub Ring

When Atlantis sank, Poseidon left a massive bathtub ring: According to Plato, the mythical island was designed with two alternate zones of land and three of water, supporting a diverse ecosystem of flora and fauna, and even a civilization so devout it might as well have been called "Poseidon's Favorite Fan Club."
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3. The Untrusting Husband

In a classic case of "my spouse doesn't trust me," Poseidon went full-on surveillance state and surrounded his wife Cleito's palace with moats and giant pillars: The Lost City of Atlantis was allegedly founded by the sea god Poseidon and his mortal wife Cleito, with the city located on an isolated island featuring concentric rings of water and land; the innermost ring was a hill called the "Hill of Cleito," where Poseidon built his wife's palace, encircling it with substantial security measures due to his mistrust.
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4. The Ancient Metalhead's Dream

Gather 'round, metalheads and ancient history buffs, for a tale as old as time – well, as old as Plato, anyway: Deep in the mythical city of Atlantis, they mined a metal so gnarly it could give gold a run for its money! Meet orichalcum, a legendary metal that's been found in shipwrecks off the coast of Sicily. Composed of 75-80% copper, 15-20% zinc, with a smidge of nickel, lead, and iron, this ancient headbanger was highly prized back in the day but was less abundant in the lost city than what Plato and the gang thought.
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Sweden: The Real Atlantis?

5. Sweden: The Real Atlantis?

Swedish scientist Olaus Rudbeck certainly wasn't feeling "neutral" when he made a bold, patriotic claim about his homeland: In his 1679 four-volume work "Atland," Rudbeck declared Sweden to be the real Atlantis, and insisted all human languages were mere subtitles to the original Swedish.
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6. Inspiring The Creative Minds

From deep-sea séances to misplaced magical car keys, Atlantis just can't catch a break: Jules Verne, Elizabeth Birkmaier, and C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne are among the many creatives who have drawn inspiration from this enigmatic lost island, spinning tales of an advanced civilization vanishing beneath the waves after an earthquake or volcanic eruption, armed with either supernatural sorcery or futuristic technology.
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7. The Lost City Found in Greece?

If Atlantis were a TV Show, it would surely be Lost: Santorini, Greece may be the actual site of the ancient Atlantis, given the impressive archaeological findings at Akrotiri. Showcasing intricately detailed frescoes, towering homes, and evidence of an extremely advanced civilization, the island was buried beneath ash following a monumental volcanic eruption around 1650 BC, creating a time capsule for historians to dig into.
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8. Aquaman's Cuban Connection

As it turns out, Ariel and Aquaman may have had more in common than we initially thought: In 2001, underwater stone structures were discovered off the coast of Cuba, leading explorers to speculate that they might have stumbled upon the lost city of Atlantis. However, experts were skeptical, citing the improbable depth and age, and the story faded away like a disappearing act in a Houdini show, leaving the mystery unsolved.
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9. Hide-and-Seek Champions

Atlantis: the greatest game of hide-and-seek known to man, and let's face it, probably responsible for the top conspiracy theorists becoming pen pals: Atlantis has been famously proposed to exist in various locations such as the Mediterranean near Helike, Thera, or Cyprus, and also near the Pillars of Hercules in the Atlantic, but continues to elude researchers as no solid evidence has been found to back any specific claims.
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Sinking in Speculation

10. Sinking in Speculation

Plato's sunken city of Atlantis: it's a sinking feeling to admit this myth has left us drenched in speculation and wading through a sea of theories. The serious reveal: despite widespread fascination, historical evidence of Atlantis is entirely absent, with the only source being Plato's own "Timaeus" and "Critias," where he revealed it was, in fact, a corrupt society rather than a peaceful utopia.
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