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Discover the Cozy Secrets: Top 10 Fun Facts About Pillows You Never Knew!

illustration of pillows
Get ready to rest your head on a cloud of fascinating trivia, because you're about to discover some intriguing and delightful fun facts about pillows!

1. Travelers and Hotel Pillows

Next time you check into a hotel, beware the pillow that appears to be auditioning for a horror movie with its moldy, smelly performance: According to a survey by the National Sleep Foundation, 7 in 10 Americans deem pillows crucial for a good night's sleep, resulting in many frequent travelers packing their own travel pillows for a touch of comfort and cleanliness on the road.
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2. Magical Egyptian Headrests

Pillow talk in Pharaoh's chamber: "Hey, Bes, is that you keeping watch over my noggin?" These ancient Egyptians definitely had a flair for bedtime conversations! And why not, what with their headrests possessing magical and religious powers and all: Acting as nighttime guardians, these ancient pillow-like objects were carved from materials such as wood, ceramic, ivory, and stone and featured protective deities such as Bes and Taweret. Talk about resting in peace!
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3. Ancient Greek Pillow Parties

Before classic rock bands made reclining with wine and cheese seem cool, ancient Greeks were already lying down on the job when it came to dinner parties: Pillows were not only used for sleeping, but also served as luxurious lounging spots during feasts and gatherings, with the host providing plush cushions as a sign of hospitality throughout history.
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4. Buckwheat Pillows - Goldilocks Approved

If Goldilocks had known about buckwheat pillows, she would've declared them "just right" before drifting off into a dreamy sleep in the three bears' house: These eco-friendly treasures not only adapt to the curves of your head and neck for optimum snooze satisfaction, they're also magically resistant to heat and humidity, ensuring a fresh and fabulous night of slumber.
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Age-defying Down Pillows

5. Age-defying Down Pillows

Ever wished your youthful looks could last forever? Your down pillow could have the edge on you in this game of resilience: Properly cared for, these heavenly head-cradlers made of down clusters can retain their softness and response for years on end, while dodging the aging effects of moisture and exposure to creams or oils.
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6. Unwanted Pillow Critters

Ever felt like you're sleeping with the enemy? We're not talking about that sultry Brangelina flick, but the microscopic critters that call your pillow their love shack: After two years of use, a staggering one-third of your pillow's weight is actually made up of dust mites, their droppings, and carcasses. These unwelcome bedfellows can trigger allergies and worsen asthma, so it's best to wash your pillow and pillowcase regularly while considering the use of allergy-proof covers.
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7. Roman and Greek Aristocrat Pillow Pets

Oh, to be a pampered pillow pet of ancient Roman and Greek aristocrats, lounging in luxury, stuffed to the brim with the finest of reeds, feathers, and straw - talk about a cushy job! Seriously though: the plush perk was not just limited to the upper class, as folks from all social strata in ancient Europe enjoyed a good pillow, and these cushiony creations even accompanied the dearly departed on their journey to the afterlife.
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8. Fungal Fiesta in Pillows

It seems our fluffy bedtime companions have been hiding a sinister fungal fiesta right under our noses: each pillow can host up to 16 different fungal species, and in immune-compromised patients, this can lead to Aspergillosis, a potentially deadly condition.
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9. Nightmare-inducing Ancient Pillows

Before the humble pillow was the stuff of dreams, it was the stuff of nightmares: Ancient Egyptians slept with their precious noggins propped on stones, wooden blocks, and even porcelain slabs for a disturbingly rock-hard reprieve. The seriously snooze-worthy upgrade: Soft pillows filled with feathers, down, or straw emerged in ancient Greece and Rome, becoming the ultimate luxury for slumber connoisseurs of yore.
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Stiff Chinese Pillow Talk

10. Stiff Chinese Pillow Talk

Pillow talk in ancient China was quite the stiff affair: The wealthy enjoyed knocking their noggins on pillows made of bronze or jade, while the commoners cracked themselves on porcelain or bamboo cranium cradles - all in the belief that these rigid headrests kept their energy levels up and their posture game on point.
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