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Discover Love's Quirks: Top 7 Fun Facts About Marriage You Never Knew!

illustration of marriage
Dive into the intriguing world of matrimonial trivia as we unveil a treasure trove of fun facts about marriage that'll surely make you say "I do" to learning more!

1. Cow Currency Dowry

In a moo-ving display of love and finance, some southern African negotiations really milk the value of their brides: In certain cultures, the groom's family offers a dowry payment to the bride's family in the form of cows or cash, based on the bride's worth in cow currency - ranging from a symbolic 100 rand ($14) to a hefty 3,000 rand ($420) per cow.
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2. Colorful Bridal Armor

If brides were part of a Crayola collection, white would surely be the least vibrant hue in their marriage palette: In various cultures, brides don vibrant, colorful wedding dresses as it is believed to bring prosperity and protect against evil spirits who find white-clad brides more vulnerable.
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3. Infinity Hand Blessing

In the game of love, marriage is like upgrading to two-player mode with infinite lives and a promise of epic teamwork: During some wedding ceremonies, couples perform a Hand Blessing Ceremony where they join their palms to form an infinity symbol and receive a poetic blessing, emphasizing their commitment to become best friends and lovingly support each other throughout their lives together.
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4. Bridal Circles of Creation

Talk about "round-the-clock love": In a Jewish wedding ceremony, the bride traditionally walks around the groom seven times under the chuppah, symbolizing the creation of a new world together as they enter into marriage, and the chuppah itself represents a new roof for the family about to be formed.
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Whale Tooth Token

5. Whale Tooth Token

Why carry a bride's heart when you can carry her tooth? A whale of a token for your beloved in Fiji: Grooms traditionally gift a tabua, a sperm whale tooth, to their future bride's parents as a symbol of love and respect, a relic considered to bring good luck and a successful marriage - with its price even going up to thousands of dollars at Suva pawnshops.
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6. Bollywood Floral Love Exchange

When love becomes a blossoming Bollywood number, featuring floral neckwear: In Hindu weddings, the bride and groom exchange fragrant garlands called jai mala, symbolizing their mutual acceptance into each other's families, and making it an indispensable part of the marriage festivities.
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7. Pre-Wed Marriage Grit Test

Say "I dough" to a messy pre-wedding party: In Scotland, tradition dictates that loved ones test a couple's nuptial endurance by "blackening the bride and groom" with the liberal hurling of food and other sticky, smelly substances upon them, before parading the grime-laden duo in a truck around town while banging pots and pans. It is believed that this humbling experience acts as a measure of how well the couple would handle marriage's challenges.
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