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Discover the Unexpected: Top 8 Fascinating Facts About Interviews You Never Knew!

illustration of interviews
Dive into the quirky world of interviews as we unravel some fascinating and lesser-known tidbits that might just give you an edge in your next big conversation!

1. Early Birds Get the Job

Attention, ye morning people and breakfast enthusiasts! Who knew that the most wonderful time of the day to enjoy eggs, bacon, and a successful job interview was upon the same brilliant hours of the morn? The early bird truly catches the worm, along with a potential promotion: A survey of CFOs puts the golden time for interviews at between 9 am and 11 am, with a whopping 61% in agreement that it's the best time to get hired.
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2. Google's Quirky Questions

If you ever wondered if Google searches for humor in its interview process, look no further: candidates have been asked to solve peculiar puzzles like "How do you measure 4 gallons of water using only a 3 and 5 gallon jug?" and "How many gas stations/dogs/windowpanes are there in the United States?" These questions are designed to test problem-solving skills, quick-thinking, and adaptability.
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3. Top Job Interview Fears

Hold on to your sweaty palms, ladies and gents, because it's time to lay bare the heebie-jeebies that keep us up at night before a big job interview – and apparently, being too awesome for our own good tops the list for both genders: According to the 2013 Job Interview Anxiety Survey by Harris Interactive, the top three fears for American women during job interviews are being too nervous, not being able to answer a specific question, and being overqualified, while men worry the most about being overqualified, and income plays a significant role, with those earning less than $50,000 per year fearing being too nervous compared to higher earners.
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4. The Power of Eye Contact

Eye see what you did there: A study of over 2,500 hiring and HR managers revealed that 67 percent of them were turned off by candidates who didn't maintain eye contact during interviews, while other big no-nos included not smiling (39 percent), slouching (30 percent), and wiggling in their seats like they were dancing the Macarena (30 percent).
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Escaping "The Office" Nightmare

5. Escaping "The Office" Nightmare

When life imitates "The Office" and you're about to hit Ctrl+Alt+Del on your career: 27% of people cite a longing for a better work-life balance as their primary reason for seeking a career change, due to 71% of workers feeling that work interferes with their personal lives, and a whopping 79% experiencing some form of burnout.
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6. Confidence vs. Cockiness

Don't get too big for your britches, or the job offer may burst at the seams: Job coach Diane Burns asserts that the top mistake job seekers commit during interviews is being overconfident, which can lead to negative impressions and a perception of insincerity. To truly impress, strike a balance between showcasing your confidence and maintaining a touch of humbleness.
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7. Humor on the Tightrope

If interviews were a circus act, using humor would be like walking the tightrope: one misstep, and you risk plummeting to your professional doom, yet with perfect balance, you leave a dazzling impression: Skillfully sprinkled wit, drawn from genuine experiences and safe topics, can actually boost interviewees' chances of getting hired, making them memorable and likable candidates without rocking the boat too much.
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8. Sherlock Job-seekers

Say hello to "Sherlock Job-seekers," as they deduce their way into their dream jobs: Researching a company's founders, services, recent news, and culture before an interview significantly increases your chances of landing the position, making you stand out amidst the suitably baffled competition.
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