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Discover the Unexpected: Top 6 Entertaining Facts about Customer Service You Never Knew!

illustration of customer-service
Get ready to have your mind blown with our collection of quirky, amusing, and unbelievable fun facts about the world of customer service that you never knew you needed to know!

1. Superhero Customer Satisfaction

When the going gets tough and customers get gruff, it's time for businesses to whip out their superhero capes and swoop in like a pro-active protector of consumer satisfaction: Marvel at the revelation that an incredible 89% of consumers find proactive customer service to be a delightful surprise or positive experience, paving the way for unwavering customer loyalty and magnificent sales growth.
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2. Sleuthing Before Service

Hang on a sec, let me Google that: It turns out that a staggering 81% of customers don their detective hats and put their sleuthing skills to the test, trying to solve their own customer service mysteries before dialing up their trusty live representative sidekick for assistance in their quest for resolution.
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3. Social Media Waiting Game

Knock, knock! Who's there? Customer service? Nay, they've got five hours: The average response time for businesses on social media platforms is a whopping five hours, leaving impatient customers hanging, as 79% of them expect a reply within 24 hours, and 39% within just an hour.
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4. Speed-Dating Customer Service

Much like an impatient salesman at a speed dating event, customers today simply have no time to wait: A 2017 study by Arise revealed that nearly two-thirds of customers expect to wait for two minutes or less when calling customer service, and 13% think that no wait time is acceptable at all, making quick and efficient customer service a crucial factor in retaining and attracting new customers.
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Too Cool for Helplines

5. Too Cool for Helplines

In a world where self-sufficiency is admired and Gen Z would rather learn their life lessons from TikTok than their parents, here’s something to ponder: 63% of customers under 35 are too cool for the customer service school, opting to browse online resources instead of dialing helplines; in fact, 88% of U.S. customers just can't get enough of self-service portals to quench that insatiable thirst for information.
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6. Texting Trounces Telephones

Move over, carrier pigeons and smoke signals: According to the article above, text messages have a skyrocketing response rate, leaving phone calls, emails, and direct social media messages in the dust. This speedy SMS strategy allows businesses to reach thousands of customers in a flash, leaving ol' Alexander Graham Bell's invention ringing in the distance.
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