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Work-Life Wonder: Top 10 Fun Facts About Thriving in Your Home Office

illustration of working-from-home
Dive into the fascinating world of remote work as we uncover amusing and surprising fun facts about working from home that'll make you rethink your daily routine!

1. Pet-powered Productivity

Your pet - the fluffier version of a stress ball and the only coworker who doesn't complain about your Spotify playlist: Having a pet with you while working from home can actually boost your productivity by lowering anxiety and stress levels, while also offering much-needed breaks that benefit both your and your pet's overall well-being.
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2. Pajama Power

Forget the power suit and bring on the fuzzy slippers! In this brave new world of remote working, your most comfortable pajamas may be your greatest business asset: A recent study of over 400 remote workers found that wearing home attire actually boosted workers' feelings of authenticity and engagement in their work, leading to higher productivity rates compared to dressing in professional attire. So, bid adieu to stuffy collars and hello to "enclothed harmony" that lets you truly be yourself while smashing those daily goals.
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3. Emoji-fueled Success

Co-workers, rejoice! The age of emojis and virtual high-fives has slain the drab professionalism of yesteryear: In a recent OnePoll survey commissioned by Slack, workers embraced channel-based platforms, informal communication styles, and emoji-filled self-expression to great success, revealing that 70% of employees actually prefer casual communication with colleagues, leading to increased productivity and a strong sense of camaraderie.
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4. Furry Office Assistants

Who let the dogs in (the home office)? Woof, woof, woof, woof! Move over, caffeine – it turns out our fur-babies are the unsung heroes boosting productivity levels for a whole new breed of remote workers: According to a OnePoll survey for, 48% of pet owners report increased productivity when their pets are nearby, with 39% saying pets help them avoid burnout, and 46% using their furry friends as ice-breakers and networking tools in the virtual workspace.
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Eco-friendly Remote Work

5. Eco-friendly Remote Work

Tired of all those bad car-aoke sessions during your daily commute? Well, good news: working from home puts an end to that 'Traffic Got Talent' show and helps the environment too! Serious reveal: In the US alone, remote workers keep 3.6 million tons of greenhouse gases off the charts annually – that's like planting a whopping 91 million trees, minus the singing birds.
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6. Home-office Workout Boost

Unleash your inner Jane Fonda and break out those leg warmers: working from home calls for regular exercise to combat a sedentary lifestyle, boost physical and mental health, and increase productivity.
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7. Healthy Cooking Adventures

Home is where the carb control is: As remote workers tap into their culinary chops and flex their meal-prep muscles, they're statistically more likely to whip up healthier concoctions, ultimately dancing a thigh-slapping jig away from the jaws of junk food temptation. Watch out, though: calorie-clad culprits like tahini, peanut butter, and cheese still lurk in the kitchen shadows, eager to sabotage those waist-whittling efforts.
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8. Olfactory Freedom

Wave goodbye to smelly culinary battles in the shared office kitchen, because the war on olfactory offenses is over: working from home provides you with full control of your personal gustatory environment, enabling you to savor any dish you desire without offending your coworkers, as long as you maintain proper dietary and hygienic practices in your home workplace.
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9. Thermostat Royalty

Ah, the joys of working from home – where you can rule your office kingdom like the ergonomic-chair-enthroned monarch you were always meant to be, wielding your thermostat scepter with unyielding authority: Working remotely grants employees control over their office environment, enhancing productivity and promoting healthier lifestyles. This reign over one's personal workspace reduces distractions and helps workers focus, leading to a more efficient and jovial dominion.
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Work-Life Balance Woes

10. Work-Life Balance Woes

As remote workers juggle the great laundry basket of life, it seems the temptation to toss in a few work-from-home socks is all too real: A survey by Joblist revealed that 53.1% of remote employees found it difficult to separate work and nonwork life, ultimately succumbing to distractions such as household chores, childcare, and even 10% of millennials throwing in a round of video games.
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