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Discover the Top 4 Amazing Fun Facts About Triplets You Never Knew!

illustration of triplets
Dive into the fascinating world of triplets, where everything comes in threes and life is thrice as intriguing!

1. Triplet Bingo: Three-in-One or Three-for-Three

In the great game of triplet bingo, Mother Nature has a trick up her sleeve that keeps everyone guessing and scratching their heads: identical triplets come from one egg splitting into three embryos, but non-identical triplets are the result of three separate eggs being fertilized by three separate sperm, happening in about one in every 4,000 naturally-conceived pregnancies, and leading to same or opposite gender siblings with the same biological parents.
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2. Age-Defying Triplets: Born Together, Stayin' Alive Together

Triple your laughter, triple your fun, and maybe triple your age – just like this triplet trio: The Kirchner sisters, born on August 23, 1920, are possibly the world's oldest living triplets at 95 years old, having celebrated their 95th birthday together, wearing matching blouses, and crediting their long lives to healthy eating and staying active. The sisters all went on to become teachers and maintain their closeness despite residing in separate cities in New York and Allentown, Pennsylvania.
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3. Triplets' Spontaneous Surprise: Who Needs Fertility Treatments?

Holy Trinity, Batman! It seems triplets have a flair for dramatic entrances without seeking extra assistance: According to a Sudanese study, a staggering 63.3% of triplet pregnancies occurred spontaneously, leaving fertility treatments to take credit for a meager 36.7%.
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4. Fraternal Triplets: Same Parents, Very Different Playlists

Forget the Spice Girls; triplets are the ultimate bespoke girl (or boy) group: Fraternal triplets develop from three separate eggs fertilized by three different sperm, resulting in unique physical traits and personalities as varied as their parents' playlists.
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