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Discover the Unexpected: Top 13 Fun Facts About the Pelvis You Never Knew

illustration of the-pelvis
Get ready to hip-hip-hooray as we delve into the fascinating world of the pelvic wonders that'll have your bones shaking with excitement!

1. Superhero Psoas Muscle

Step aside, Superman, there's a new superhero in town: the unstoppable psoas muscle, also known as the "dancer's muscle!" With the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound... or rather, help dancers achieve sky-high extensions without breaking a sweat, this mighty muscle is long, strong, and crucial for smooth moves on the dance floor. The psoas muscle's secret identity? It attaches to the spine, pelvis, and femur, enabling dancers to move gracefully while saving the day for perfectly executed pirouettes: Its one-of-a-kind connection to the spine, pelvis, and femur allows dancers to stabilize the dorsal aspect and activate the proximal portion of the muscle for more efficient movement and higher extensions, all while keeping tension and strain at bay.
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2. Relaxin Hormone Wonders

Here's a hormone tale that's going to blow your pelvis off: Relaxin, primarily produced by the ovary and placenta in women during pregnancy, helps in preparing the uterus and supporting placenta growth! This hormone also works wonders on a woman's cardiovascular and renal systems to accommodate junior's need for oxygen and nutrients. But plot twist, even men have their share of relaxin wonders - it's secreted by the prostate gland, found in semen, and might even give sperm cells a little pep in their step! And guess what? Recent findings also revealed that relaxin could be a therapeutic superhero, fighting off tissue fibrosis in organs like kidneys and hearts.
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3. Pelvis: The Bowl-Headed Cousin

If the pelvis were a sitcom character, it'd definitely be the bowl-headed cousin who supports everyone and encases their deepest secrets: In reality, our all-important pelvis got its name from the Greek word "pelike," meaning "goblet or bowl," aptly describing its basin-like shape that not only allows us to walk upright but also safeguards our precious lower internal organs.
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4. The Great Pelvis Debate

Introducing the great pelvis debate – a duel of the hips that puts Shakira's truth-telling abilities to the test: Females boast a wider, more oval-shaped pelvis designed like a sophisticated baby-launching mechanism, while males strut a narrower, more compact pelvic structure to make walking the catwalk – or, you know, just bipedal locomotion – a total breeze.
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Pelvic Bone: The Wardrobe Rocker

5. Pelvic Bone: The Wardrobe Rocker

Did you know the pelvic bone is like a superhero? It supports, protects, and defends, all while rocking a versatile wardrobe catering separately to both men and women: The pelvis is responsible for bearing the weight of the upper body and transferring it to the lower limbs, differing in shape between males and females to accommodate the unique physical requirements of each gender, including childbirth for females. Made up of four bones – right and left hip bones, sacrum, and coccyx – that are steadfastly joined together, it also serves as the attachment site for each lower limb, with a single hip bone composed of three fused bones called the ilium, ischium, and pubis.
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6. Pelvis: Master of Disguise

You may have heard that hips don't lie, but did you know that the pelvis is a master of disguise, team player, and an essential guardian all in one? Oh yes: this bony marvel forms early on in the game as a combination of ilium, ischium, and pubis bones, fusing together to bear the burden of the upper body while masquerading as the protector of vital organs and palace of important muscles, not to mention serving as a motherly conduit for nerves, blood vessels, and a good Shakira dance move!
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7. Pelvic Floor: Unsung Hero

Who knew the Kama Sutra had a secret workout plan? Say hello to your pelvic floor muscles, the unsung heroes of both yoga class and the boudoir: These mighty muscles not only maintain continence and support pelvic organs, but they also play a crucial role in sexual function. So, don't ignore that pelvic power – weak pelvic floor muscles can lead to issues like incontinence, prolapse, and even pain during sex, which, let's be honest, defeats the whole purpose. Time to squeeze in some extra exercise, folks!
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8. VIP Natural Sphincter

Who needs a store-bought sphincter when your body comes equipped with a VIP, all-inclusive, luxurious model of its own? Behold the pelvic floor muscles: These mighty multitaskers act as natural sphincters for both the rectum and urethra, letting you maintain control over the release of urine and feces, and avoid any unsolicited leakages.
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9. Accessory Sacroiliac Joints

Not everyone can claim to be a perfect stiff-backed member of the Skeleton Royale Club: About 50% of humans have accessory sacroiliac joints, providing extra structural stability and giving a whole new meaning to the term "flexible friend".
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Internal Iliac Artery: The DJ

10. Internal Iliac Artery: The DJ

If the pelvis were a party, the internal iliac artery would be the ever-reliable DJ, pumping the freshest tunes to keep everyone dancing: This hypogastric superstar is the main blood supply to the pelvis, providing life-giving oxygenated blood to vital organs and musculoskeletal structures while rocking an impressive collateral circulation network!
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11. Cheeky Pelvic Floor Mischief

Who knew the pelvic floor was responsible for so much cheeky mischief? Spanning the gulf between one's nether regions, it’s like that friend who does all the hard work but never gets enough credit: The pelvic floor muscles are vital for proper bladder, bowel, and sexual function but can weaken due to factors such as pregnancy, obesity, chronic constipation, and prostate cancer treatment. This weakening can lead to issues like incontinence, prolapse, pelvic pain, and painful periods. Fear not, valiant pelvic floor – your friendly neighborhood exercises and medical advice are here to save the day!
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12. Moonwalking Pelvic Recovery

Did you hear about the pelvis that moonwalked its way to a standing ovation? It was recovering from a stroke: Post-stroke pelvic instability is common, but pelvic stability training has been found to improve trunk and lower extremity movement control, hip muscle strength, gait speed, and daily activities for patients in rehabilitation.
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13. Pelvic Bone: The Mysterious Superhero

Imagine the pelvic bone being a mysterious superhero: an unassuming trio of bones by day, but by night, they meld together to become the mighty Pelvis, protector of the bladder and reproductive organs! In all seriousness: the ilium, ischium, and pubis bones that constitute our pelvis are actually separate at birth and only fuse together between the ages of 15 and 25, continuing to be referred to by their individual names even after uniting for life.
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