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Discover the Top 13 Fun and Fascinating Facts About Teeth for Kids!

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Get ready to sink your teeth into these bite-sized, grin-worthy fun facts about teeth for kids – guaranteed to make you smile!

1. Shark Dental Plan

Sharks truly have a jaws-dropping dental plan: Unlike humans, they have multiple rows of teeth in their mouth at once, with some species boasting up to 50 rows, and a new tooth moving forward to replace any lost or damaged ones, ensuring these maritime marvels never run out of teeth for their oceanic feasts.
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2. Missing or Bonus Chompers

Hold on to your tooth fairy dreams, kiddos: some people are born with missing teeth or even get bonus chompers, called hypodontia or supernumerary teeth. Most adults have 32 permanent teeth, touting a lineup of four fang-tastic canines, eight incisor celebrities, eight premolar defenders, and a solid 12-molar support - but it's a mixed bag of dental magic for some. Teeth are our trusty sidekicks in digestion, cutting and crushing foods into swallow-friendly morsels.
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3. Saliva Express Superhero

Whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had the pleasure of riding the Saliva Express: turns out, saliva is a secret superhero for our teeth, swooping in to rinse away food, annihilate nasty acids, and using its super-mineral powers of calcium, phosphorous, and fluoride to repair enamel and fortify your pearly whites against pesky cavities.
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4. Iron Man Teeth vs. Mighty Bones

You might think teeth are the "Iron Man" of your body, with their shiny, indestructible enamel capes, but there's a superhero that has them beat—the mighty bones: Their secret weapon is the combo of living tissue and collagen, making them the strongest structures in your body, while the jawbone and femur are like the superhero duo of strength—Captain Jawbone and The Femur-ocious!
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Teeth as Tiny History Books

5. Teeth as Tiny History Books

Who needs a time machine when you've got chompers? Your teeth are like tiny history books, with every bite taking you back in time: They hold clues about your early life, nutrition, and exposure to environmental toxins by storing daily growth lines in their enamel and dentine. Not only have scientists used these growth lines to study ancient humans and environmental crises, but teeth can also reveal the exact position of cells at birth, marking the beginning of your delicious, gum-filled adventure.
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6. Bye-Bye Baby Teeth

Baby teeth must have commitment issues – they're always so eager to leave us!: Baby teeth actually have shorter roots and thinner layers of enamel than adult teeth, which is why they fall out to make way for permanent teeth, but they're still crucial for helping kids speak properly, chew food effectively, and setting the stage for grown-up teeth to strut their stuff.
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7. Toothbrush Tango

Ready to laugh your tongue off? Here's a tongue-twister for you: The Toothbrush Tango involves not just your pearly whites but also that slick, pink floor of your mouth-disco! The serious groove: Brushing your tongue along with your teeth is essential for top-notch oral health, as it dislodges sneaky, breath-ruining bacteria that simple rinsing can't shake off. So, add tongue-brushing to your daily mouth-mambo for fresher breath and healthier teeth!
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8. Tree Twig Toothbrushes

Before brushing up on their tree-hugging skills, our ancestors had to branch out in oral hygiene: the first toothbrushes were actually made from tree twigs, and the ancient Greeks used a combo of alabaster, iron rust, or coral powder as toothpaste!
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9. Tooth Fairy Economist

Did you know the Tooth Fairy moonlights as an economist, predicting market trends one tooth at a time? Hold onto your molars because: In 2023, the average cash gift left by the Tooth Fairy was $6.23 per tooth, a 16% increase from the previous year, with kids in the southern United States receiving a whopping $6.59 per tooth!
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Baby Teeth Behind the Scenes

10. Baby Teeth Behind the Scenes

Ready for a jaw-dropping fact that'll leave you grinning from ear to ear? Even before a baby utters their first "Goo goo ga ga," they're working on their chompers behind the scenes: Teeth begin forming as early as the sixth week of pregnancy and start mineralizing around the third or fourth month, making a balanced diet for expectant mothers crucial for a strong dental debut!
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11. Enamel's Rock Band

If your teeth ever decided to form a rock band, enamel would be the hard-hitting, heavy-metal star of the group: it's the toughest material in your body! Just be sure to keep any cool(ish) tooth tattoos off the setlist – while they might seem like the ultimate body art, dental professionals don't approve, and they could lead to uncool complications like cavities, inflammation, and gum disease. Rock on with healthy teeth instead, and consult your dentist for a chart-topping smile.
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12. Ice Age DIY Dentistry

Long before dental insurance and shiny office lobbies, the Ice Age crowd took matters into their own hands – or teeth, rather: Researchers found evidence of people performing DIY dental procedures around 14,000 years ago, which involve removing cavity tissues and filling the holes with a tar-like substance called bitumen, as well as occasional straw and hair for potentially numbing or antiseptic purposes. Of course, whether sharp rocks were used for drilling is a detail that's been left in the cold.
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13. Egyptians' Dental Adventures

What do you get when you cross ancient Egyptians with a toothache? A whole lot of gold and gum surgery! In all seriousness: the ancient Egyptians were pioneers in dental procedures, inventing dental bridges with gold wires, gold-plated mouth guards, and even performing surgical removal of abscesses and damage gum tissue with herbal mixtures and mouthwashes.
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