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Smile Bright: Top 11 Fun Facts About Orthodontists You Never Knew!

illustration of orthodontists
Dive into the fascinating world of orthodontists as we unravel the braces, wires, and smiles with our collection of fun facts that will surely straighten out your curiosity!

1. Ancient Egyptian Braces

Say goodbye to the golden smile: Orthodontists have progressed from using peculiar materials such as gold, metal, catgut, wood, and ivory to straighten teeth in ancient Egypt, Rome, and Greece, to modern-day braces, which were invented in 1819 by Christophe-Francois Delabarre. Clear aligners like Invisalign, created in 1997 by Zia Chishti and Kelsey Wirth, are now the go-to option in our quest for photogenic grins. Edward Angle, dubbed the Father of Orthodontics, laid the foundation for today's specially trained practitioners who keep our smiles both straight and Instagram-ready.
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2. Tooth-whisperers & Polyglots

You might think orthodontists just watch their patients bite off more than they can chew, but oh no, they also have to master the art of spinning a good plateful of conversation: In between dealing with jaw-dropping misalignments and overcrowded mouth parties, orthodontists need to boast strong communication skills to translate tooth-speak, as they dabble in human psychology and even pick up foreign languages to effectively collaborate with patients and fellow dental comrades.
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3. Age Doesn't Matter for Braces

While you might think braces are just for puberty, think again, dental warriors: It turns out 25% of the 4 million brace-faced Americans are full-grown adults, ready to straighten their smiles with the stealth of clear braces or the classic metal embrace. No age restrictions here, just a slightly longer treatment time to make that smile shine.
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4. Pain-Relieving Dental Superheroes

While orthodontists might not wear capes and spandex like some of our favorite superheroes, they do possess the power to alleviate pain and keep villainous TMJ at bay: With their arsenal of night guards and braces, these unsung heroes tackle temporomandibular joint disorder in both kids and grown-ups, helping to make the world a less toothache-ridden place.
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Jaw-dropping Superheroes with Degrees

5. Jaw-dropping Superheroes with Degrees

When orthodontists aren't out saving the world from dental disasters or cracking the code to the perfect smile, they're essentially jaw-dropping superheroes with degrees: These brace-y bunch of beings specialize in straightening teeth, aligning jaws, and correcting bites with two or more years of advanced orthodontic education from an accredited program, allowing them to create personalized treatment plans that result in gleaming grins and optimal bite function.
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6. Molar Magic vs TMJ Mayhem

Orthodontists: part dental wizards and part miracle-workers for the struggling skulls among us! These mavens of molar magic don't just strive for the straight-teeth Hollywood smiles, but they conquer the misbehaving mandibles and pugnacious pearly whites to cast out the evil force of temporomandibular joint mayhem: That's right, orthodontic treatments not only perfect your smile but also ease TMJ issues and improve jaw health by realigning rebellious teeth, ultimately relieving you of headaches and discomfort caused by mismatched bites.
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7. Rome's First Orthodontic Advice

Before dentists could say "Brace yourselves, Rome wasn't built in a day," they needed advice from an ancient wordsmith on how to perfect a smile: Aulus Cornelius Celsus, a Roman physician and writer in the first century, was the first to document an orthodontic treatment concept, recommending that children's stubborn baby teeth be pulled out while guiding the adult teeth to their rightful place, all by simply using a finger for a daily nudge.
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8. Fighting the Thumb-Sucking Epidemic

Orthodontists to the rescue, fighting the thumb-sucking epidemic rampant among our youth! When it comes to this addictive habit, it turns out 1 in 5 younglings are still thumb-smuggling to garner some oral satisfaction as they prepare for their scholarly futures: But should this devious digit-dilemma persist, fret not, as orthodontic intervention can thwart open bites, dental misalignments, and even irregularities in the roof of the mouth, preserving your child's pearly whites and stunning smiles for the years ahead!
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9. The Power of Continuous Force

You'd think orthodontists were running a dental marathon with how much they talk about light, continuous force; but brace yourself, they've got a point: Continuous force is essential for efficient tooth movement, as it sends a biological signal to the bone, prompting osteoclasts to remove bone on the pressure side and osteoblasts to fill in the space on the tension side—so remember this little nugget of wisdom when you're tempted to slack off on wearing your elastics or aligners!
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Grin-volution: Goodbye Grinding & Clenching

10. Grin-volution: Goodbye Grinding & Clenching

Here's a jaw-dropping revelation for your chomper chums in need of a grin-volution: Straighter teeth and a properly aligned bite acquired through orthodontic intervention not only boosts your oral health game, but also combats pesky grinding and clenching-related mayhem, saving your pearly whites and mandible from an unnecessary gnash bash.
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11. Age Seven: Ideal for First Orthodontist Visit

Brace yourselves, the Tooth Fairy is dialing up her squad: the American Association of Orthodontists recommends children have their first orthodontist visit around age seven! At this prime toothy age, youngsters boast a delightful cocktail of baby and adult teeth, making it a breeze for orthodontists to nip potential tooth and jaw issues in the bud without resorting to surgery. Early intervention helps guide jaw growth, keeps upper and lower arches in check, minimizes the need for future tooth evictions, and can even remedy speech hiccups.
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